Known Issues

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Petition ID 5786: Notebook entries
Submitted Fri, 26 Apr 24 23:55:17 +0000 by Sentinel Orangbo

The notebook is missing several entries from past stories, and I would like them added.

To be more specific, it's been a good 6+ years since I've experienced almost all of it, so it's difficult to say for sure what I have or haven't experienced. That being said, digging through old emails, I know... Expand 410 characters

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Petition ID 5778: Map Problem with Screen Readers?
Submitted Tue, 09 Apr 24 16:32:22 +0000 by Gamina

Hamzamamood, a vision-impaired returning player, reports difficulties in navigating the map, specifically sorting out which numbers are map coordinates, and sends this Pastebin link:

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Petition ID 5785: A Backpack/Bandolier Suggestion for Text Readers
Submitted Wed, 24 Apr 24 16:16:40 +0000 by Gamina

Hamzamamood is a sightless player whose queries in Banter end up suggesting ways in which the text reader interface might be made more user-friendly.

Their latest question was about the Equip button in the backpack. From Hamza's PoV, nothing much happens after clicking "Equip", possibly because t... Expand 560 characters

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Petition ID 5728: Mementoes don't seem to work.
Submitted Sat, 23 Dec 23 22:25:51 +0000 by Major Badass Alexander Quandle

Problem first seems to show up in a Player's place - Na's Nook at (Q,11) belonging to SmilingAudibly - where I was helping out with some programming. She's built a little program that should give you a memento once you solve a little puzzle.

I've sorted out a few bugs and now it really should wo... Expand 532 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 133d17h ago by Cupcake Maker Minion)

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Petition ID 5767: Straight to boat after being rescued
Submitted Mon, 11 Mar 24 01:57:28 +0000 by Keep low and Hyde

So I was downed in Down Below, and was rescued, went exiting I was sent straight to the boat instead of the outpost. When rescued I was so close to the exit that before I hit the link for 'What Happens Next?' I was pulled out, and after that I hit the return to above link and appeared on the boat.

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Petition ID 5770: Request for Place Program Copy/Paste capability
Submitted Tue, 12 Mar 24 13:15:38 +0000 by Gamina

The situation:
I have a Place Program at The Cat & Fiddle (R12) that needs to be 40 to 50 rows long: a decision tree (more a vine) for scoring dart throws. I built a proof-of-concept that uses only four rows, with a Roll-to-Thought that checks against various values and sets a Memory, so I know it... Expand 683 characters

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Petition ID 5781: Stuck in Down Below
Submitted Sat, 13 Apr 24 04:42:18 +0000 by Keep low and Hyde

I was exploring in DB and ended up in a fight, and before making a move I went to say something in banter, and upon going to look again, I was out of the fight, and the foebot I was engaged with had moved. My icon disappeared along with directions I could travel. Will that can be seen is the hang on... Expand 346 characters

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Awaiting Attention
Petition ID 5783: A Suggestion: Let Rookday Cake messages persist
Submitted Mon, 22 Apr 24 09:46:15 +0000 by Gamina

Not a problem, but how would it be if the icing messages from rookday cakes could persist as, say, a shoebox item, after the cake has been used? I've seen people remark that they avoid using the cakes because they want to keep the icing well-wishes for sentimental reasons.

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Petition ID 5784: Corporate AD
Submitted Mon, 22 Apr 24 23:54:46 +0000 by Major Badass Alexander Quandle

The ad that I first saw today was for 'Glorious Noise' which has a website that looks suspiciously professional to me. I may be wrong and in any case the site looks quite fine, just not the little site type of thing that this space is meant to be for. Hairy

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Petition ID 5787: Rook Trader on Mobile
Submitted Sat, 27 Apr 24 18:49:49 +0000 by Tom Faoiltiarna

Part of the game is unreadable when using Chrome on an Android device. I'd assume it's the same on other devices as well. It can be fixed by switching to the desktop version of the site. I've included a link to a screenshot. I suspect the text is just blending in with the background.

https://med... Expand 232 characters

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Petition ID 5793: SA-LS-SPS Combat Armour Does Not Heal
Submitted Mon, 13 May 24 21:15:14 +0000 by SmilingAudibly

It seems as though none of the armor that says it heals damage for however many turns heals at all.

The message I get a message in the fight that says, "Your lifesupport systems heal you for {damage} damage!" Expand 128 characters

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Petition ID 5803: Prematurely blue experience bar, mobile edition
Submitted Mon, 03 Jun 24 21:30:05 +0000 by Meow Meow Magic Cheshire

WHAT: on the extra display for the mobile version, the xp bar still does the thing of displaying blue (and the potato with a green arrow) when it's actually still below the level goal.
HOW: Aaaalmost reach the level goal. (in my example I was 10 xp below)
WHEN... Expand 68 characters

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Petition ID 5805: Damage
Submitted Sun, 09 Jun 24 01:26:55 +0000 by Sergeant Darx

Suddenly taking a lot more damage then i has been regardless of timing of b with no change in my equipment, and now im Failboated because of it.

Fight regualr to big trouble battle in the Jungle around Cyber City, lvl ..12? i think
(cant read my stats on the boat. cant read other stats i should... Expand 106 characters

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Awaiting Attention
Petition ID 5806: Perfect yet riposted
Submitted Sun, 09 Jun 24 20:46:09 +0000 by Sergeant Darx

Perfect Timing blow got Riposted:
Your perfect timing really makes a difference!
You try to hit <monster> but are RIPOSTED for 35 points of damage!

Fight and land Perfect Timing in combat

Jungle, hunting Expand 77 characters

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Petition ID 5811: Changing the desktop/mobile setting on one device changes it on another one too
Submitted Thu, 20 Jun 24 21:46:54 +0000 by Contender Zani

I play the game both on my phone and on my PC. On the PC I want the desktop display, and on my phone the mobile display. But everytime I change devices, the game uses the display setting that I had on the previous device.

It would be better if the display setting was stored in a local cookie rath... Expand 126 characters

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Petition ID 5813: Chat Has Borked message interrupts chat!
Submitted Wed, 26 Jun 24 13:19:57 +0000 by Gamina

The Chat Has Borked popup message is coming up way too frequently. It interrupts typing, sometimes causing the loss of an entire comment.

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Petition ID 5815: Colliding paragraphs when random cig coincides with Holes and Crows
Submitted Mon, 01 Jul 24 00:46:52 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: When receiving a cig from the Something Improbable event in an outpost, if Holes and Crows is present in that outpost there will be no newlines between the SI text and the H&C text.
HOW: Get a cigarette from the random event where you bump into someone in an Outpost, while the Holes and Crows... Expand 265 characters

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Awaiting Attention
Petition ID 5818: Buffs still disappearing when using a New Day from the Failboat
Submitted Fri, 05 Jul 24 20:42:45 +0000 by Crafty Joker Lain

Sounds like it's a known bug, but someone mentioned it might be low on the list. But man...losing 900+ rounds of candy buffs sucks balls. And nip nips, and etc. But also what sucks is having to click to eat all that candy again after I just did it. Not a fan. Someone also suggested doing a bug repor... Expand 57 characters

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Petition ID 5819: Format collision with random Jungle req and new in-page pan link
Submitted Sun, 07 Jul 24 06:45:34 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: When req is randomly dispensed from a malfunctioning camera as a result of Something Improbable while hunting in the Jungle, AND there's meat available to be cooked in your inventory, the two messages will not be separated by a newline.

HOW: Have meat in your inventory and have Req randomly... Expand 202 characters

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Awaiting Attention
Petition ID 5821: Bold Tag left open in the Gifting Station...
Submitted Thu, 11 Jul 24 21:06:21 +0000 by Gamina

There seems to be a bold tag left open in the Gifting Station. I haven't experienced it elsewhere, so I don't think it's any of my inventory items causing it...?

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Petition ID 5825: Talk Lines in Clan Halls are ignored.
Submitted Sat, 20 Jul 24 00:12:57 +0000 by Gamina

(See title.)

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Petition ID 5827: Lion Plushie monster
Submitted Wed, 24 Jul 24 21:46:12 +0000 by Lighthouse keeper Anny

I wrote it as a fail boat monster and found it in the jungle. Just fought it and was a little confused as why it was in the jungle when it was only made for the boat.

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Petition ID 5829: Baccy Bandit--third Diseased Lung shows as number only and doesn't award cigs
Submitted Fri, 26 Jul 24 02:59:40 +0000 by Crafty Joker Lain

I got two Diseased Lungs and a Nudge, which *should* have made the third also a Diseased Lung. Instead it just went to "40" and no cigarettes were awarded. I do have a screen cap here:

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Petition ID 4801: Accessibility Fixes for Visually-Impaired Players
Submitted Sat, 28 Apr 18 14:58:52 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

These are some of the suggestions for accessibility fixes I collected from Fodilliklomp and Yog-Sothoth in banter (I also asked Fodilliklomp to Distract me the points for collation into a petition, which they have done, and there may be more coming in a comment). These seem to be organized in ascend... Expand 1360 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1117d20h ago by Farmer Steffen)

Petition ID 4491: Blind player lost during travels
Submitted Tue, 22 Aug 17 18:09:30 +0000 by Jason Farrar

Hi there. I'm using the accessible skin but can't seem to find specific destinations outside the home city. So for instance, if I click travel, then North, I should be coming up on Iprobible HQ right? Anyhow, I don't have a clue where to go because I can't find an accessible map.Thanks.

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Petition ID 2979: Special Comment Munching Gremlins
Submitted Fri, 12 Jun 15 18:38:35 +0000 by Essentially Amnesiac Jon Titania

WHAT: When you place a space in front of an asterisk in chat " *text in asterisks*" the preview will show it as a normal speech post "example says " *text in asterisks*" " but when you post it it will register as a special comment and eat one of your comments and leave a nasty looking typo in its pl... Expand 236 characters

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Petition ID 4703: No External Link.
Submitted Thu, 15 Feb 18 01:41:00 +0000 by Magical Pria Sunshine

I do not appear to have an external link. I don't know when or how this happened. I have enough SP for it to appear, unspent even, but it appears to no longer be present. This problem seems to only be affecting my bio page:

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Petition ID 4687: Jill and the Jokers Story Pass
Submitted Wed, 07 Feb 18 21:17:30 +0000 by Grand Mistress Badass Kythia

I have all the Jill and the Jokers Story Passes from the Decade Vault, all have been brought out. However, I do not see any of them in my notebook. When I ran through the initial Jill quest she got knocked out too many times so I didn't complete it - I'm not sure if that fact is relevant.

https... Expand 70 characters

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Petition ID 2689: Disappearing Custom Items
Submitted Wed, 04 Feb 15 16:03:20 +0000 by

So Junebug and I discovered a bit of a bug in the item customization system. Using certain characters in custom item names can cause them to spontaneously disappear when interacting with older aspects of the game's code; in my case, it was placing the Shady Merchant's +1 upgrade onto an armor name t... Expand 1000 characters

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Petition ID 3122: Weapon Naming issue
Submitted Wed, 12 Aug 15 01:54:30 +0000 by Drakon

When a weapon is set back to a blank name after a weapon disguise (or supporter points) are used on it to rename it, instead of going to the default weapon, the weapon becomes a blank-named weapon; the weapon line on the "Equipment Info" on the right side is blank and acts as if it is empty.
This w... Expand 112 characters

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Petition ID 2703: Mouseovers and the new CSS
Submitted Wed, 11 Feb 15 16:43:01 +0000 by Buddleia

It has always been hard to get the Physical Description perfect -- the preview displays your words and colours, sure, great, but not where the width of the mouseover box creates linebreaks.
But now suddenly, wow!
The last few characters of each line carry on over the edge of the box, dangling ... Expand 817 characters

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Petition ID 1682: Incorrect italics in memento forging
Submitted Sat, 31 Aug 13 08:52:36 +0000 by

Whenever you add italics to a new memento, lately, the italics will skip the word you intended to italicize and instead, italicize every single word after it. You can check a few mementos for a reference to what I mean, it's been going on a while and isn't just mine.

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Petition ID 1399: Memento attributes no longer display in bio if the Memento itself is not displayed.
Submitted Sun, 10 Mar 13 00:56:01 +0000 by Buddleia

What: all the Attributes from Mementos you've been given used to show up in your Character Biography, last time I was changing things around. Now, the Attributes only show if the Memento itself is on display.

I don't know which is the currently intended behaviour. I'm just reporting that it use... Expand 627 characters

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Petition ID 1419: Massive inventory causes nasty badnav: clearing navs doesn't help, only Moderator removing stuff.
Submitted Wed, 20 Mar 13 00:10:12 +0000 by Buddleia

What: if your inventory is very very very full, you can get stuck in a Badnav if you try to view your Inventory.

How: have a huge amount of stuff in your inventory. Open your inventory. The tab absolutely refuses to load, and although refreshing several times changes the url to badnav.php, there ... Expand 1252 characters

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Petition ID 4675: Rest in Piece, Girl Rabbit
Submitted Thu, 01 Feb 18 21:28:13 +0000 by Sprouting Sansa Vieria

I've got a double mystery in my inventory page, first off, there's a ghost in my basic backpack, , I think it's the ghost of my girl rabbit. I used to have two rabbits in my fancy shoebox, one boy and one girl, leading to that I had lots of baby rabbits in my backpack... Expand 415 characters

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Petition ID 1486: Third mission with rohit (How to be Human) don't leave advices in notebook.
Submitted Thu, 02 May 13 20:28:28 +0000 by King Badass Kalumniatoris

According to information in notebook
"Rohit the Robot's introduction!
If you have a Story Pass for this story from the Hunter's Lodge, you can see all seven potential peices of advice.
If not,
you can see the advice you received."
I should be able to read advices that I recived hovewer ... Expand 67 characters

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Petition ID 2493: Rohit, Part 3. Lost in Notebook after first Drive Kill.
Submitted Fri, 31 Oct 14 02:13:19 +0000 by Storm Lover Xin

********************Spoiler alert for those who have not completed Rohit's quest**********************

Unsure whether this is intentional, or an issue:

I had encountered Rohit's storyline (part 3) up until the compilation of the distraction for him. I spoke to various peoples for advice: eBoy,... Expand 455 characters

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Petition ID 4137: Maiko's pan quest missing from Notebook
Submitted Wed, 11 Jan 17 19:44:19 +0000 by The Shuffler Tarot

The text of Maiko's missing pan quest never appeared in my Notebook. This has happened to at least one other player, according to a response in chat. It'd be a shame to lose that story.

To be clear, the text has never appeared in the Notebook. It is not a case of it showing up then disap... Expand 121 characters

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Petition ID 1378: Control Keys not Giving Access to Front Door Lock
Submitted Sun, 03 Mar 13 12:35:55 +0000 by

In the very description of a control key, I see this -

Control Key (12 Cigarettes): This key allows a player to access the Master Settings Menu - that's where you turn chat on and off for each Room, fiddle with settings for Pages,
lock the entire Place, and so on. They can also lock and un... Expand 302 characters

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Petition ID 668: GLOBAL memory units don't work properly
Submitted Sat, 14 Apr 12 09:35:09 +0000 by Swede

The value in the unit seems to reset itself?

I made a program which works perfectly for my character, but once I put GLOBAL: in front of the memory unit it stops working. Removing GLOBAL: and the program works again.


Running program ID 301, 'Rifle present'
--Row 1 will pass ... Expand 3644 characters

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Petition ID 1695: Contrivance: Drive Kills (more than x) will not accept zero as a parameter
Submitted Sat, 07 Sep 13 04:58:26 +0000 by Dirk Vanderhuge

I was working on some programming involving a check to see if a character had at least 1 Drive Kill, and when attempting to use the Contrivance: Drive Kills (more than x) item, it refused to accept zero as a value to be greater than to pass. Every time I tried to submit the zero value, it would re... Expand 65 characters

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Petition ID 1833: "Add Page Access" contraption fires when the page it is applied to is not active.
Submitted Mon, 09 Dec 13 19:47:34 +0000 by Dizzyizzy

If you apply an "Add Page Access" contraption to a different page, it will fire and add access even when the page it's applied to is not active. This is opposite behavior from "Hide Page Link", which will only hide access to the other page when the page it is attached to is active.

Very easy to r... Expand 355 characters

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Petition ID 3518: Time Range contrivance cannot end in 00:00
Submitted Thu, 14 Jan 16 13:53:08 +0000 by Mei Li Audax

This is a miniscule problem, a minute-long problem if you will. It's not so much bothersome as it is puzzling.

My place (which is called @-\--) at 13, 30, 3 east of Ace High, has a room named "Path to Izakaya." In this room I made some pages of a man singing songs. I programmed 6 different progr... Expand 629 characters

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Petition ID 1393: Customized Teleportation Beacon
Submitted Fri, 08 Mar 13 23:06:57 +0000 by RoboKitty Theia

I bought a teleportation beacon for the new place I am building, The Twisted Maze, at location 16/36, and I customized it before leaving Improbable Central, naming it "Old hollow tree". I also added a description as to what people would see when they explored it. When I placed it in the entrance... Expand 619 characters

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Petition ID 1715: Problem with color coding in customized furniture
Submitted Fri, 20 Sep 13 16:35:23 +0000 by

Whenever you create a color coded piece of customize furniture (two people tested this) it removes the gravemarkers and just leaves you with whatever's left.

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Petition ID 665: Double bed bonus.
Submitted Fri, 13 Apr 12 17:49:02 +0000 by Major Badass Alexander Quandle

Alexander Quandle doesn't always seem to get a double bed bonus from sleeping with his wife. I've noticed that my stam seemed lower than expected on a few occasions now, but I thought that that was just because there are so many other things affecting how much stam you start your day with, that I ju... Expand 958 characters

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Petition ID 3647: This <empty string> In My Bed!
Submitted Sun, 06 Mar 16 11:31:50 +0000 by Contender Tax

Sometimes I notice double beds with the description like:
Double bed occupied by (room for one more)
The name of the resting character appears to be empty, as if he doesn't exist at all, but he actually occupies the place on the bed.
URL (example): Expand 290 characters

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Petition ID 4487: Double Bed Falsely Shown as Empty
Submitted Sat, 19 Aug 17 00:57:55 +0000 by Brace yourself; Meara

On New Day, double bed only shows bonus for sleeping alone, and once in the room, the Double Bed link remains plain instead of showing that it is occupied. Kick Out Players display shows the other player in bed, and they see themselves in bed on login. This has been going on for over a month. Almost... Expand 208 characters

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Petition ID 2056: Moving doors
Submitted Mon, 21 Apr 14 15:25:06 +0000 by RoboKitty Theia

There's a thing with the structural page, which is not mentioned in the warnings. Earlier, making several doors between two rooms were possible, if you wanted it that way. This has at some point been "fixed" by CMJ. Now, this results in that if I move misplaced doors into "storage", attempting to "s... Expand 314 characters

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Petition ID 2065: Place's doors are messed up
Submitted Sun, 27 Apr 14 08:22:32 +0000 by The Bard, Sapphire Geminus

What: My Place has started duplicating doors (I can see them from the master settings) but I can't access them in the structural menu. At the same time, even though I have multiple doors and they're ALL set to shown, only those that show up in the Structural Menu actually show up in the Room.
... Expand 330 characters

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Petition ID 4747: Can't use unicode characters in place descriptions or petitions
Submitted Wed, 14 Mar 18 04:37:33 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

If you try to use most unicode characters in a Place description, they just display as literal html escapes. This appears, on casual inspection, to also be the case in the petition system. For instance, if I try to type a box drawings heavy horizontal (U+2501) here:


I get "&#9473;".
... Expand 465 characters

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Petition ID 1033: Places: decoration previewer has some problems
Submitted Thu, 13 Sep 12 00:28:02 +0000 by Buddleia

When decorating a Room, a Page, or the Exterior description of a Place, there are several things which could be improved.

1. The box for naming the Room/Page/Place does not show a preview, so you cannot check how it will display.

2. The box for naming the Room/Page/Place would ideall... Expand 1779 characters

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Petition ID 1534: Room names made in bold to start with are inaccecable when making some jobs.
Submitted Thu, 30 May 13 19:04:14 +0000 by Mr. Pappy Outmen

I was working on a place of mine and setting up jobs for it and many of the rooms I did I just put in the name of it so I can do the doors first, which works fine, and had some with bold lettering at the start of it, but when I go back in to put in descriptions, slots and pages, It is no longer a li... Expand 113 characters

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Petition ID 2077: Page description lost to Places change, re MOTD 2014-05-06
Submitted Fri, 09 May 14 14:03:47 +0000 by Buddleia

Page 472, in KIND Tower (Place 437). It's reverted to being an Undecorated Area - I'd set it up to be a poster, complete with programming, after moving it into its new room (2914). Possibly also interesting: I think its Master Settings have also changed from what I set?

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Petition ID 298: Dojo masters are prejudiced against robots!
Submitted Sun, 04 Dec 11 22:04:50 +0000 by die fledermaus

They heal you up for a fight, but they don't cool you down, so if you just walked in after a long fight, you tend to burn up. This may or may not be intentional, but I thought I'd mention it.

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Petition ID 594: If a clan applicant withdraws their application, it makes the first Distraction vanish.
Submitted Wed, 21 Mar 12 01:47:21 +0000 by Buddleia

WHAT: According to my emails, someone applied to join my clan.
According to my Distractions, this never happened.

Should that have happened? Shouldn't there have been a new one to say "X has withdrawn their application", like you get when someone resigns their membership, rather than removing th... Expand 550 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 182d06h ago by Accomplice Teh Dave)

Petition ID 814: Clan halls: "custom talk line" doesn't work
Submitted Sat, 23 Jun 12 23:05:04 +0000 by Buddleia

WHAT: In the clan halls, where you set your description and MoTD, there's a box for "Custom Talk Line (blank means "says" -- 15 chars max)". It doesn't actually affect my posting. It does it exactly as normal, like

Buddleia says "this is supposed to start with scrawls a message, but i... Expand 623 characters

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Petition ID 4678: Robot No Option to Cool Down
Submitted Sat, 03 Feb 18 19:30:10 +0000 by Reaper of souls Kratargon

What: After being Failboated as a Robot and returning to the Island, sometimes there is no option to 'cool down' (and in fact, internal temperature is displayed as empty), but when you get into a fight you immediately melt down on the first turn.

How: I'm not entirely certain, as I've seen incons... Expand 666 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2349d03h ago by Reaper of souls Kratargon)

Petition ID 348: Outside a house, I'm inside too.
Submitted Sat, 10 Dec 11 06:46:26 +0000 by Second Lieutenant DDR

WHAT: I exited a house, logged off, returned to the game a few days later, and logged on. I had exited to the world map, and when I logged on I was on the world map, but apparently I was also showing up as being inside the house!

WHERE: (Well, that's somewhat up for debate.) 19,6 - Buddle... Expand 45 characters

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Petition ID 1185: Marriage Buff
Submitted Sun, 18 Nov 12 06:40:57 +0000 by

1. It shows my spouse's equipment in between her title and name. 2.Not sure how. I just sorta noticed it when I was in the jungle. 3. On the list of buffs. ( 4. Not sure.

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Petition ID 1824: Newhome Museum x2
Submitted Wed, 04 Dec 13 02:28:05 +0000 by The Bartender Dhevika

Returning to Newhome on my Rohit Part 2 quest and I have Two Newhome Museums on my screen. When I hover over the first one it shows me,

The second one shows me: Expand 233 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2019d11h ago by Returning Contestant Logan Turtle)

Petition ID 1911: Hunter's lodge price glitch
Submitted Tue, 04 Feb 14 17:30:15 +0000 by Feral Beast Rentoraa


Basically, it works like this:
1. Go to the Lodge.
2. Find an item that you don't have enough SP for.
3. Buy SP, enough to afford the item.
4. Wait a while for the payment to go through, then click the "More Details" link.
5. If done right, you will see ... Expand 78 characters

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Petition ID 2156: Failboat sidebar
Submitted Sat, 14 Jun 14 04:03:23 +0000 by Mango

Not sure if it's a problem really more than me being lazy but the sidebar to the right, depicting recent/relevant actions, game time, vitals, etc., is closable if you click the minus button twice. This structure resets after you dk, which is fine and you have to collapse them again. However, the fai... Expand 212 characters

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Petition ID 2304: The chat and page disappears
Submitted Sat, 16 Aug 14 04:09:56 +0000 by Luna

I will regularly have chat disappear when I'm trying to input things in my Explorer. And I know explorer sucks, and only seems to happen for it.

As you see, when you click to input and the mouse shifts even a little bit, everything from the room's name, descr... Expand 283 characters

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Petition ID 2769: Center-text tag in room descriptions breaks previewer
Submitted Tue, 10 Mar 15 21:18:13 +0000 by Blinded Me With Rykar

When entering a room description, Grave-c tags are treated as not supported by the text previewer, even though they are allowable tags in room descriptions.

You can see the problem as soon as you edit the room description- the entire thing is replaced with "That's not a color code you can use he... Expand 169 characters

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Petition ID 2969: Player's webpage
Submitted Wed, 10 Jun 15 18:17:40 +0000 by The Ulcir

Seeing as how CMJ said he was doing a bunch of bug fixes, I think I'll include this here:

The default value that is entered into the "External Link" field in the Customize Character page is something like "http://". This causes the "Player's webpage" link to show up on every single character's ... Expand 144 characters

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Petition ID 3909: Petition preview page doesn't show line breaks correctly
Submitted Sun, 10 Jul 16 15:48:04 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

If you put line breaks into a petition, they don't show up on the page that says, "Your petition looked like this:" even though they show up fine in the live preview and in the petition. It has been like this forever.

To see this problem in action, just make a new petition and hit enter a couple... Expand 84 characters

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Petition ID 4472: Contiguous Unicode Characters Break into Malformed HTML Escapes
Submitted Tue, 01 Aug 17 09:22:26 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

To demonstrate this problem, I am going to put sixteen box drawings heavy horizontal (U+2501) on the next line:
The last time I tried this in chat I got "&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;&#9473;&#9... Expand 116 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1726d20h ago by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion)

Petition ID 4557: Titles in Distracts are not properly sanitized and break sprintf() in certain situations.
Submitted Sat, 14 Oct 17 04:37:02 +0000 by Tahvohck

Just going to paste the call stack for this one, it seems mostly self-explanatory:

PHP Warning: "sprintf(): Too few arguments"
in /var/www/ at 98.
Call Stack:
2: sprintf("Original Message from 100...") called from on line
3: call_user_fun... Expand 734 characters

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Petition ID 4627: Text formatting leaking onto other aspects of a square on the map (5,33)
Submitted Thu, 21 Dec 17 19:36:01 +0000 by It's Probably ZoomBaby

`1This isn't a real big problem but I noticed that the text formatting used for Mute Reaper Mumble's plot on 5,33 has leaked onto the other items that occur on the map (sneezeroot and crates). Here's a screenshot: Cheers, `1Zoom`!Baby

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Petition ID 4749: Color codes not cooperating in name
Submitted Sat, 17 Mar 18 18:51:39 +0000 by Izadora Sochi

What: I'm trying to change the colors of my name & title. The color codes `d and `D (the new yellows) work in my title, but do not work in my name. It continues to give me a message saying that I cannot change the characters of my name, just the capitalization and the colors. I've ask... Expand 396 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 751d14h ago by Civilian Mordecai Heller)

Petition ID 2732: Colors at Raven Inn
Submitted Thu, 26 Feb 15 23:36:23 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

Firstly, I'd like to have the light misty grey of Raven Inn's description available as a usable color in chat. Secondly, I noticed the color list at Raven Inn is hopelessly out of date. (Maybe not so important to keep it updated?)

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Petition ID 4254: Justification Not Working
Submitted Fri, 24 Mar 17 19:00:06 +0000 by Off Kilter Merrin

I wanted to make a bio for my account using justifications both left and right, as it said in the island color code text formatting list. I tried > and < and just copy and pasting and each time, the bio didn't recognize the code and refused to do them.

Center justification still works and can be ... Expand 90 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2672d08h ago by Quinnigan)

Petition ID 4471: Gift system message sent during midnight reverted to LoGD text in email only
Submitted Fri, 28 Jul 17 20:56:01 +0000 by Kestrel

Someone sent a chronosphere to an alt of mine (Karen, id 226157) at 8pm server time. The gift arrived fine, the Distraction I viewed in-game afterwards was totally normal, but in my email inbox it says:

New LoGD Mail (Someone sent you something awesome!)

You have received new mail on LoGD at h... Expand 795 characters

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Petition ID 4656: Abandoned Castle Module?
Submitted Wed, 10 Jan 18 16:31:39 +0000 by Accomplice Teh Dave

Something Improbable!

Module abandoncastle is not active, but was attempted to be injected.

I was jungle fighting and found this message. Twice now. It was just via Really Big Trouble searching.

... Expand 153 characters

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Petition ID 3894: Double comma ignores restriction on color codes
Submitted Sat, 02 Jul 16 09:36:41 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

You know how usually you can't use the color code that returns a player's weapon or a newline in your title? If you use double commas you can! As well as all other restricted chat codes!

Double comma w does weird things, like display as my weapon in chat, but your weapon if you look at ... Expand 268 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2545d14h ago by CloudySky)

Petition ID 3895: Quadruple comma shows a grave, no way to type two literal commas
Submitted Sat, 02 Jul 16 09:44:45 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

Since double commas evaluate to graves now, there is no way to type a literal two commas; two commas evaluate to "`" and four commas evaluate to two graves, which evaluates to a single grave again, like so: "`". (I typed those with actual commas, so let's see if the petitions system acts like th... Expand 125 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2139d12h ago by The Will-o'-wisp sasstrid)

Petition ID 3964: How to break chat like a boss.
Submitted Mon, 22 Aug 16 06:12:03 +0000 by Tranquil Mepins

Anyways, posting a link or rolling a dice with a link that contains an `i code or a `b code will considerably break the link and thus break the chat.
With enough applications of these four things combined chat will completely flip out and completely bust making it impossible to fix without a gr... Expand 124 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2574d02h ago by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion)

Petition ID 1816: URLs cropped by %20 (space in URLs)
Submitted Thu, 28 Nov 13 05:41:19 +0000 by Sachiel "Fawn" Raihan

The % mark in URLs containing space (%20) breaks the URL (probably goes for other % codes). Pasting things from i.e. Wikipedia (often contains spaces and other stuff like paranthesis) will lead to wrong page. Also, pasting URLs containing & will cut it short at that point, hiding more exact path fro... Expand 117 characters

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Petition ID 2224: Chat bug!
Submitted Tue, 08 Jul 14 21:29:17 +0000 by Ravenous Morae

Sooooooooooo I've noticed a problem in chat! It seems to only be an issue with Morae, I'm assuming it's because of her accent! Either characters aren't counting towards the total, or something else is going buggy. Morae speaks with a lot of apostrophes, and I'm pretty sure, as a result, I often get ... Expand 291 characters

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Petition ID 3025: Invisible Posts when Player Colours Disabled
Submitted Tue, 30 Jun 15 20:04:23 +0000 by Barnaby Samson

Well, depending on whether or not you have Player Colours enabled, some commentary goes invisible. Here's a set of comparison screenshots I took just now:

talkydoor's comments are in the Squat Hole story channel ( Expand 497 characters

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Petition ID 4818: New Chat Issues
Submitted Tue, 29 May 18 02:36:05 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

What and How: Unicode characters, previously supported by the chat system (or if cleared out by Auto-Update, recoverable by disabling Auto-Update), are hilariously broken by text entry into the non-refreshing chatspaces. Typing characters such as &#322;, é, ã, ö will get you mojibake gobbledygook.
... Expand 266 characters

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Petition ID 4819: Concerns about Chat beta feature
Submitted Wed, 30 May 18 06:22:06 +0000 by Penny

While there is nothing buggy or game-breaking about the new feature, I have noticed a few things:
1) Story chat still reloads the page in Kittania. Banter chat in Kitt makes use of the new feature, but the story channel still reloads entirely. I have not checked of this occurs in most other outpost... Expand 229 characters

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Petition ID 4823: Player/Character Chat Statuses Issue
Submitted Thu, 31 May 18 16:33:52 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

What: Commands that affect player status, such as/dni, /ttm, /chatcol [*], etc. will be entered just fine in Player/Character chat, and the confirmation will pop up (e.g. in the case of a chatcol change), but will not actually produce the desired effect. How: Try to use any of the listed com... Expand 82 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2247d10h ago by Tansy)

Petition ID 4824: Chat Timeout Issues
Submitted Thu, 31 May 18 18:29:21 +0000 by Black Rose Shoblock

In the chats that no longer refresh the page, issues occur if the page times out.

1) If a message is sent after the first timeout (auto-update disabled, but you are still logged in) the timeout will not refresh. This means new messages can be sent, but the timeout will not go away. A refresh of t... Expand 258 characters

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Petition ID 687: New days not getting saved
Submitted Fri, 27 Apr 12 16:47:09 +0000 by Confused Virgil

My crono spheres are not saving my new days, I think it is when I just close my browser but when if I log back into the outpost then quit to fields without triggering the new day by say walking into the bank or something then when I relog it gives me a new day but my cronospheres have not saved up t... Expand 76 characters

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Petition ID 1487: Multiple monsters while traveling
Submitted Fri, 03 May 13 00:25:57 +0000 by Sum1 buyed custom titl 4 Furo

When Traveling (and only when Traveling) and I encounter multiple monsters, there is no fight- I just win. There's no fighting of each one as happens in the Jungle. This started happening in the last week and it's been very consistent for me (once I noticed). Solo monsters, it's a fight with multipl... Expand 2309 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4100d14h ago by Returning Contestant Outman)

Petition ID 1592: Lack of stamina use on map travel.
Submitted Fri, 28 Jun 13 21:24:05 +0000 by Major Badass Alexander Quandle

If you're travelling on the map and run into a beastie, then you don't use up any stamina for that travel turn.
You don't seem to get any experience in travelling either, it certainly doesn't show up in any way on the screen.

I first noticed this about a week ago and have been checking since. Tu... Expand 142 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4018d13h ago by Flophorse Trowa)

Petition ID 2566: Failboat Fail
Submitted Wed, 19 Nov 14 23:11:19 +0000 by

What: If a player uses Tynan's gym to decrease hp for some other stat, dies, and returns from the failboat, they will have the total amount of hp that they would have without the hp decrease while retaining other stat increases.
How: Go to Tynan's gym, train muscles or agility from tone, die, and ... Expand 187 characters

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Petition ID 2874: 'Temporary' HP reduction? I think not!
Submitted Tue, 28 Apr 15 12:59:06 +0000 by Bloody Showoff Daz

I'm not in Banter, so I'm not sure if others have expressed this problem, but I haven't seen it in the list so I'll just go ahead and put it up.

WHAT: 'Temporary' changes to HP (increases and decreases, though mostly the latter from what I've seen) are carrying through after DKs. I distinctly rem... Expand 1150 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 799d07h ago by Captain Kennifer)

Petition ID 451: No experience from level 17 monsters in a breach.
Submitted Mon, 23 Jan 12 01:40:20 +0000 by Just Jenny

When fighting in a breach, I've found that when I fight monsters that are level 17, (The times I've noticed) I don't get any experience from killing them. The kill text from the last one:
End of Round:
Something Dangerous, Elite, Malignant, Malevolent's Hitpoints (Level 17): DEFEATED
YOUR Hitpoi... Expand 316 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4200d01h ago by Titano Deleo)

Petition ID 1316: Threat Level Req Modifier Not Working?
Submitted Fri, 25 Jan 13 17:53:01 +0000 by SharkAttack Szara Kryik

I'm not so sure that the bonus req for high threat levels is actually working..


I was hunting suicidally in NP, it started out at Interesting Times. I was getting about 10k req per 49 fights, gradually increasing as threat lowered to 12k req at Minor activity. I've been fighting in batche... Expand 327 characters

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Petition ID 4357: Brought to Failboat upon clicking Village link
Submitted Tue, 30 May 17 17:02:56 +0000 by CorvusCorvusCorvusCorvu Captain Svess

What: Upon unbreaching an outpost and clicking the Village link that should bring me into the outpost, I am instead brought to the Failboat. No req or experience is lost, and the news says nothing about how I got there.

How: Both times it happened was upon unbreaching PleasantVille. I h... Expand 190 characters

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Petition ID 3796: Are they married or not?
Submitted Sun, 08 May 16 14:12:21 +0000 by [Censored] Krell

I arranged a marriage between two of my characters, Krell and Teetz, and now I've discovered a weird bug. Krell's in divorce sorrow, and can propose, get a ring, etc, in the chapel in Kittania. Teetz is married, and gets bonus for being Krell's spouse. When I go to the chapel in Kitt on Teetz, the o... Expand 366 characters

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Petition ID 2291: Tesla Frame Malfunction
Submitted Sat, 09 Aug 14 16:32:33 +0000 by Registered Giant #158052

The tesla frame is not charging for me. It gets a single point then just stops. I can get hit in each consecutive fight and it still won't charge. This is happening to both Cora and Lea. (Both on bastard Ranks) It happens regardless of me using gargle blasters or not.

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Petition ID 1767: Cigarette shortcut (!) is not user friendly on every platform!
Submitted Sat, 02 Nov 13 00:07:32 +0000 by Out of Stasis Aradiel

WHAT?! The problem indeed! Which happen to be the "smoke a cigarette" Shortcut which is the exclamation point (!) !

Happen on my cellphone, when I'm in an outpost, writing anywhere and want to write an exclamation point, instead of writing it, it goes for the short cut and makes me smoke a cigare... Expand 464 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3345d01h ago by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion)

Petition ID 3110: Clan Halls - Buff Issues & Zero Member Cap costs
Submitted Mon, 03 Aug 15 17:58:21 +0000 by Bloody Showoff Daz

WHAT - Just founded a clan and poured loads of cigarettes into the Clan Buffs, but the option for activating and upgrading the Regen buff is missing. Also apparently there's no cost for increasing the member cap of the clan? Added two slots at no extra cost.
HOW - just found a new clan and activate... Expand 291 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3260d05h ago by Junebug)

Petition ID 1996: Nausea not properly reset by DK triggered NewDay
Submitted Mon, 10 Mar 14 13:49:58 +0000 by Will Morris

In an effort to get that last bit of experience to reach level 15 and DK, I ate too much and was sick. Despite the nausea, I successfully faced and defeated the drive.

Now, on the first day of my new run, I am unable to eat in restaurants. I have a fully black nausea bar and no food options in th... Expand 407 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3225d22h ago by Hallowinged Widdershins)

Petition ID 3372: Nausea/Hunger Bar Glitch?
Submitted Wed, 18 Nov 15 23:07:54 +0000 by Grey Swan

This might be a bit similar to Petition 1996, because I've been ramming through a couple DKs today and I just noticed something. I had some Unreps. I replicated the issue because it happened twice, but it seems like after I either fought a bunch, or had enough to boot me into Nausea instead of Hunge... Expand 447 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2734d09h ago by Contender Adam)

Petition ID 1318: Running From Mighty Magpie Results in Something Improbable
Submitted Sat, 26 Jan 13 01:03:48 +0000 by Wolf Aspect's Shadow Of Clue

Simple as that, get attacked by the Magpie, I hit run, and the next page is a big ol Something Improbable with nothing else on it.

I did not notice a change to my xp, but I wasn't looked at it either. HP seems the same as well.

I assume it can be reproduced, and will try to do so, but given th... Expand 71 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4200d01s ago by Titano Deleo)

Petition ID 1793: Giant Tattoo Mutant carcass cleaning
Submitted Mon, 18 Nov 13 18:35:32 +0000 by Gorbert Vanhousserhoffen

WHAT: A minor glitch, but the monster I fought right before the GTM was a Concerned Parent. When I fought and killed the GTM, the option for Clean The Carcass was Concerned Parent again.

HOW: I guess fight any monster and then the Giant Tattoo Mutant immediately after. Possibly only if you did no... Expand 182 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3113d08h ago by Hallowinged Widdershins)

Petition ID 1776: Problem with selling the same item link at the Scrapyard Market
Submitted Wed, 06 Nov 13 16:45:37 +0000 by Thick-Skinned Denealus

I was trying to sell Contrivance: Zombies at the Scrapyard Market for points and use the link to "sell the same item again" that appears up top. Apparently, it jumped to "Sell Memory Equals" without me checking and doesn't sell the same item you sold. I suspect this has something to do with when the... Expand 194 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3915d12h ago by Major Badass Alexander Quandle)

Petition ID 697: Double Sign-Ups with Rally possible if already in one.
Submitted Sat, 05 May 12 17:07:09 +0000 by Spirited Sneaky

While I was in an active Hundred Point Rally, I tried reserving a spot in the next game ahead of time. That got accepted, and the fee was paid. Unfortunately, it didn't take after I had finished the rally, and the next one was set to begin without me. I had to pay the fee twice to ensure a spot.

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4456d15h ago by Forgetting to think, Omega)

Petition ID 1538: Secondary options not available in when viewing the world Map.
Submitted Fri, 31 May 13 02:51:52 +0000 by ...The TitansxBane... Jakell

What: If there is anything on the ground (herbs, supply crates, ect...) the option to pick them up disappears when you look at the world map (which is gorgeous now, by the way!). You also cannot enter residences, or clean corpses. You can get the option back by traveling and coming back, or by view... Expand 263 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3222d08h ago by Iriana)

Petition ID 3987: Clan Hall 'Online Members' link no longer works as intended
Submitted Thu, 08 Sep 16 15:30:06 +0000 by Flophorse Trowa

When I click the "Online Members" link in my Clan Hall, it goes directly to the Contestant List and shows all players online, with no distinction of clan members. Since I'm the only member of my clan online (easily checked with the View Membership link), I should be the only one on the list.

Funn... Expand 221 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1320d18h ago by NFF's Self-Appointed Capo heliumsquid)

Petition ID 4387: Puzzle combat with three french hens
Submitted Sun, 11 Jun 17 19:27:59 +0000 by Contender Cecil

Something odd just happened.

I entered combat with Three French Hens, in the Jungle just outside Improbable Central. All was well. I hit the first French Hen in its vulnerable spots (puzzle combatting away) until I K.O.'d it. All well and good.

But then the Puzzle Combat section was missing fo... Expand 441 characters

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Petition ID 426: Group fights and experience
Submitted Thu, 12 Jan 12 23:27:20 +0000 by

Whenever I get in a fight against multiple opponents, it looks like the experience totals are ... heavily reduced. The most recent fight I had against a level 6 group opponent (a group of wild monkeys) gave 20 XP. Then an emu gave 65 after its defeat. The fighting was today, and I'd even watched ... Expand 82 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2604d13h ago by Returning Contestant Zean)

Petition ID 856: Battle effects for more than 1 monster is wrong
Submitted Thu, 12 Jul 12 13:56:24 +0000 by


The problem is when fighting more than 1 monster than 1 time, any effects (glory points, loss of stamina (from blows), etc) are multiplied by the number of monsters in combat. Here is a sample, using glory points as an example.

Wild Horse's Hitpoints (Level 8): 26
Wild Horse's Hitpoints... Expand 1853 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4333d10h ago by Eben)

Petition ID 869: Certain pack monsters don't have their hitpoints divided
Submitted Sat, 21 Jul 12 03:28:11 +0000 by

With both British Bedstead Men and Ninjas, at least in the several encounters I have had with them, each member of the pack seems to have the full hitpoints appropriate to their level. For example, Level 13 Ninjas might have 130 HP each, for a total of 520 HP. Since other pack monsters seem to have ... Expand 221 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4068d19h ago by Lieutenant Rozarius)

Petition ID 1353: Chemical Pack is filled very quickly when fighting multiple monsters
Submitted Wed, 13 Feb 13 22:00:28 +0000 by

This isn't so much a hindrance as it seems to be a game-breaker. When fighting multiple monsters (such as the 9-at-once Pyramids) just a few moments ago, I noticed that the meters for my Chemical Pack were filling at gratuitously high amounts, filling to full after just a couple of rounds when many... Expand 500 characters

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Petition ID 2960: Stimpack doesn't stim when fighting multiple monsters.
Submitted Mon, 08 Jun 15 20:57:18 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

My current implant is chempack. Activating the stimpack doesn't work properly when I fight multiple monsters. 'Stimpack x rounds left' decreases in the buff column, but my hitpoints don't increase. Effectively wasting a filled chempack.

I first noticed this last gameday, persists this gameday. Do... Expand 63 characters

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Petition ID 4350: Servo arms stay on if you run away
Submitted Sun, 28 May 17 19:11:24 +0000 by Reflectioneer Dregn

Like the title says, if you run away from a jungle fight with your servo arms active they'll remain active until you actually win a fight. ( I assume this is a bug because if you WIN a fight with them active, they fold away between fights. )

How: Run away from a jungle fight with Servo arms activ... Expand 185 characters

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Petition ID 398: Glory Points not added to total on double KO
Submitted Fri, 30 Dec 11 01:17:20 +0000 by Crafty Joker Lain

WHAT: When fighting monsters, if the end result is a double KO (your character retains one HP and is not sent to the Failboat), the standard message awarding Glory Points appears ("You've earned X Glory Points this round!") but they are not added to the daily total.
HOW: Use a Lightning Suit and a... Expand 447 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4572d16h ago by Forgetting to think, Omega)

Petition ID 3155: Glory
Submitted Thu, 20 Aug 15 15:02:23 +0000 by Zoinks

The whole 'Running from a fight causes glory to reset' doesn't seem to be working with Titans.

I'm assuming that was the whole point of the reset, so... that seems to be a rather large problem.

I haven't even tested running from a regular fight with glory to see if it resets, but it should be ... Expand 29 characters

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Petition ID 623: whoomph grenade teleported its effect to my next victim
Submitted Thu, 29 Mar 12 19:56:50 +0000 by die fledermaus

So... I was fighting a titan, and I'd thrown a grenade at
it. It caught fire, and kept burning. So far, so good.

Then I ran out of ammo, and hoofed it back to New Pitts.
I re-stocked, swearing a bit after I sold my l-suit by
mistake, banked the req, and hit the jungles... to see this:

Mali... Expand 385 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2588d10h ago by Citizen Krischak)

Petition ID 1479: Improbability bomb has no effect
Submitted Sun, 28 Apr 13 11:22:36 +0000 by Constance

I've noticed this a few times using ibombs recently. The text says the bomb has been used, I lose it from my bandolier... but no effect.
Here's the text from a recent fight:

Wild Monkey's Hitpoints (Level 6): DEFEATED
Wild Monkey's Hitpoints (Level 6): DEFEATED
*Wild Monkey's Hitpoints (Level ... Expand 3348 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3133d16h ago by Blinded Me With Rykar)

Petition ID 480: Took it on the chin (and lost stamina) without being hit
Submitted Sat, 04 Feb 12 00:13:23 +0000 by die fledermaus

While fighting the last monster in a pack:

Your perfect timing really makes a difference!
You execute a MEGA power move!!!
You hit Fanboy for 224 points of damage!
You earn 10,568 Glory Points this round!
The force of the blow sends you reeling, and knocks 2910 Stamina points out of you!

W... Expand 146 characters

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Petition ID 437: Improbable Adaptive Armor does not work at all.
Submitted Mon, 16 Jan 12 11:13:37 +0000 by Forgetting to think, Omega

The Improbable Adaptive Armor, at, says that "For 200 rounds a day, this suit of extremely strange and highly Improbable armour will actually heal your wounds in proportion to how hard you hit your enemy. Nobody knows... Expand 283 characters

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Petition ID 658: No buffs/effects from equipment any more.
Submitted Mon, 09 Apr 12 23:08:15 +0000 by die fledermaus

For a couple of gamedays now I've had no buffs/attacks
from my Debris Launcher or Lightning Suit.

They're listed as my weapon and armour, but there are no
buffs, and they don't work - the launcher doesn't do
anything to monsters, the suit doesn't have its damage-shield attack. I thought this w... Expand 263 characters

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Petition ID 786: Spiderkitty Launcher Fail
Submitted Fri, 15 Jun 12 21:54:23 +0000 by Queen of Hearts AliceHeart

I am uncertain if this is intentional or an actual bug, so I am putting it under a Private Petition.

WHAT: So I decided to try out a Spiderkitty Launcher and found out that the Spiderkitty Launcher Fail debuff is a little strange. In short, during the first NewDay when you purchase the weapon, th... Expand 581 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 253d05h ago by Princess of Blood WindRapier)

Petition ID 3230: Multi-monsters die instantly
Submitted Sat, 03 Oct 15 01:04:23 +0000 by

This has happened a few times already. I'm rocking the MKII Force Generator and sometime monster die in the first round before I can act do to riposte damage. Sometimes when this is a multi-monster all of them die when the first one dies in this first round to do riposte damage. The win screen pops ... Expand 143 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 562d08h ago by Blinded Me With Rykar)

Petition ID 4006: Chainsaw-Chuk Fail persists after selling the Chainsaw-Chuks
Submitted Sun, 02 Oct 16 09:05:45 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

I bought the Chainsaw-Chuks and they worked as advertised. However, once I sold them the Chainsaw-Chuk Fail debuff did not disappear from my buffs lists, and it affected me every turn of every Jungle fight. This problem persisted through the usage of chronospheres and through using Favor to get off ... Expand 251 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1719d14h ago by Toothy Humanitarian Awesome Fred)

Petition ID 5120: Lightning suits Buff do not refresh upon new day
Submitted Mon, 17 Jun 19 19:26:22 +0000 by Colonel Gryph

When purchasing the Lightning Suit as armour, the 1000 round buff of damage reflection is added. Unlike the force field generators and the weapons with ammo based buffs, the damage reflection buff does not refresh upon a new day or use of a chronosphere, even after several in game days. I personally... Expand 313 characters

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Petition ID 566: UV booth at the Glass and mirror
Submitted Thu, 08 Mar 12 21:47:38 +0000 by

I've noticed that using the UV booth will remove your heat level, which is great, but there is a big problem.

I find that after using the UV booth when I have a high heat load the very next round of combat I enter will display heat damage (something has gone horribly wrong etc..) despite my heat ... Expand 756 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3563d07h ago by die fledermaus)

Petition ID 722: +1 kit from shady dealer removes k'morph buff buff
Submitted Fri, 18 May 12 12:38:51 +0000 by die fledermaus

"Wearing" the Nudity +1 seemed to remove the k'morph nudity buff. Presumably this is because the +1 is not considered "no armour" - not sure if this should be considered a bug or not but I thought I'd report it, just in case.

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Petition ID 2959: Ferryman & Squat Fury
Submitted Mon, 08 Jun 15 20:42:21 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

Losing hitpoints to the ferryman doesn't add to the squat fury bar. The ferryman just hit me for 32 points of damage, buy my squat fury bar was still at 0%. Is that how the game is supposed to work?

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Petition ID 1218: Dan's drinks replace one another instead of stacking
Submitted Sun, 02 Dec 12 02:34:09 +0000 by sage wanderer

My character purchased an Ale from The Prancing Spiderkitty in IC, then an expensive Gargleblaster. After six rounds of the Gargle, I know because I had 14 rounds left, I purchased another Ale, and lost all of my bonuses for the Gargle. It was basically gone. It did not even show up on my list of bu... Expand 121 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4251d08h ago by Forgetting to think, Omega)

Petition ID 1597: Did not receve Req from titan payout.
Submitted Wed, 03 Jul 13 00:34:11 +0000 by No eye D... Nope! Arken Feyl

Recently I went out and fought a load of titans but didn't defeat them due to them not being six hours old. When someone else K.Oed these titans I got a req payout of 0, there was one titan that I did do no damage to, but the rest I took down to below 1000 HP from around 1.3 million.

This is the ... Expand 148 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3600d20h ago by die fledermaus)

Petition ID 2474: Titan Kill not registering/malfunctioning
Submitted Tue, 21 Oct 14 05:23:18 +0000 by Stupid Lizard Caelan

Player Kratargon found and attacked a Titan two clicks north and one west of CyberCity 404. Upon being defeated, he announced in the public chat that there was a Titan with only 600 HP left in that spot. I rushed and was first to the scene. I applied the use of one BANG grenade and it gave me a mess... Expand 537 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2453d15h ago by Your Pal, Mellow Malverius)

Petition ID 4606: No reward from Titan beating.
Submitted Fri, 24 Nov 17 19:30:48 +0000 by Hairy Mary

This from banter. He put in a mod call, so I'm changing it to a petition. P Interest's player says "Two Newdays ago I took a Titan from 1,012,000 to 234,000 and now its gone, but no distract for helping, no reqs?" P Interest's player says "What happened? I put in 75% Plus damage?"

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2409d14h ago by Coffee Grindr Csodas)

Petition ID 2237: Titans not taking damage
Submitted Sat, 12 Jul 14 23:36:49 +0000 by Pythias

Hello! I recently started hunting Titans, and something is happening consistently: when I inflict damage and then run away, or I inflict damage and get KOed, when I go back to the same Titan it is as though the damage never happened.

Since it's been happening consistently, I think it would happen... Expand 462 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3601d08h ago by die fledermaus)

Petition ID 4684: Killing Titan does not kill Titan
Submitted Tue, 06 Feb 18 15:11:45 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

What: I killed a Titan, reducing its damage from 1m+ to 0 and taking no damage myself. However, I did not get a system distract informing me that I had killed the Titan or any req payout, and the Titan is still showing up on the map at (23, 30).

URL of final blow: Expand 301 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2362d17h ago by Coffee Grindr Csodas)

Petition ID 3765: Metamiranite math does not add up
Submitted Sat, 23 Apr 16 18:48:57 +0000 by Fully synched Sessine

* Huge named ball of Metamiranite * Enter jungle with zero req * One-round fight (with monster Trouble) -> Joker diamonds during fight: 3 req -> Metamiranite: additional 4 req -> Camera dispenses:70 req * Total after fight: 75 req, ...Maybe a rounding error?

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Petition ID 4024: Itonaniss Surge doesn't work if you defeat the monster on the same turn
Submitted Sun, 16 Oct 16 08:19:45 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

My Itonaniss Surge is not healing me for any health when I use it and then kill the monster on the same turn. I'm using a Double-Barrelled Cat Launcher.

Example output, copied from a real fight:

Start of Round:
Squat from the Train Station's Hitpoints (Level 14): 49
Squat from the Train Stat... Expand 981 characters

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Petition ID 4165: Dead Bodies that shouldn't be Down Below
Submitted Thu, 19 Jan 17 23:45:18 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

Today I rescued two alts of Csodas from lvl 5 under CC. (Lying in two different spots.)
Odd thing: Csodas said his alts weren't even down there.

Apparently he chronoed his main out of lvl 4 during my DB session.

Possibly related to petition 3268 "Duplicate Bodies"?

Screenshot of our chat o... Expand 38 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2171d11h ago by Coffee Grindr Csodas)

Petition ID 4198: Rescue / Not Rescued DB
Submitted Sat, 11 Feb 17 13:23:59 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

I got KO'ed on Level 5 down below. Then Will Morris was nice enough to come get me (while I was... not formally logged out, but had closed the browser window), and Distracted me to let me know I was out. Except, when I hit the 'Refresh', expecting to get the 'You have been rescued! Improbable Ce... Expand 965 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2465d09h ago by Mini Bean)

Petition ID 4540: DB Rescue Leads to Failboat if Player is Logged Out
Submitted Sat, 30 Sep 17 03:37:32 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

I am not sure if this is related to petition #4198 -- it might be but it doesn't seem likely.

Basically, I have noticed that rescues work differently depending on whether the Player is logged in, watching the rescue, or not. If the Player is logged in while being carried out, they are able to... Expand 1021 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2444d22h ago by Hallowinged Widdershins)

Petition ID 2418: ground hog day but with foebots.
Submitted Sun, 28 Sep 14 01:07:01 +0000 by

I'm in the underground, level 4 and if i get pulled into a battle I have to fight an endless stream of them.
all the other levels that I have been on i only have to fight one at a time. but on that level right after I finish the battle it says I gotta fight another one, before I get the chance to d... Expand 63 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2917d04h ago by Computer, Maschine Kieren)

Petition ID 2668: Down Below problems
Submitted Thu, 22 Jan 15 02:51:32 +0000 by Zoinks

Basically, what is happening is a double K.O... Expand 1510 characters

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Petition ID 2739: Repellant Spray in DB
Submitted Fri, 27 Feb 15 18:31:31 +0000 by Not full of spiders Meenos

Repellant spray can be used on foebots if it is in your bandolier while in DB.

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Petition ID 3471: Moving from Lvl2 to Lvl1 Down Below places you in NW corner
Submitted Wed, 30 Dec 15 15:32:57 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

This is related to the closed petition 2394, I'll bet. Basically, if you enter Down Below from an Outpost and travel up through the levels, everything is normal, except for moving between Lvl2 and Lvl1. When you move up from Lvl2's up arrow, you are shot up onto Lvl1's NW corner:

http://www.i... Expand 317 characters

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Petition ID 3540: Down Below BANG bug
Submitted Wed, 27 Jan 16 14:51:43 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

I set a BANG grenade. I retreated two squares away, on the last square knowing that I was going to meet up with a FoeBot.

-The grenade went off.
-The FoeBot died.
-The text says that "The grenade you set earlier blows the shit out of the FoeBot! And also damages you too. Tight quarters, y'know.... Expand 322 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3029d14h ago by Junebug)

Petition ID 3496: No New Days in the New Outpost Preview
Submitted Thu, 07 Jan 16 13:10:19 +0000 by Lea Brecht

New Day update didn't occur in the Preview mode and I didn't get it till reverted to standard view.

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Petition ID 3634: New Outpost Preview - Stack Chat
Submitted Wed, 02 Mar 16 23:52:36 +0000 by Zoinks

(Firstly, this is just a note. I've come up with a quite a few bugs relating to the Dimensional Shifter, and was gonna just dump them in the forums, but yeah, that didn't seem right so. I'll just do them one at a time.)

Stack mode looks like this!

That doesn't... Expand 76 characters

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Petition ID 3635: New Outpost Preview - The Dojo
Submitted Thu, 03 Mar 16 00:01:16 +0000 by Zoinks

The Dojo, when using the Dimensional Shifter, can currently be accessed by any race, despite being in NewHome. On top of this, Truancy is not occurring when using the Shifter.

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Petition ID 3636: New Outpost Preview - Links
Submitted Thu, 03 Mar 16 00:13:36 +0000 by Zoinks

When using the Dimensional Shifter:

- Reinforcing the Defenses is no where to be found. (At first I thought "Defend the Perimeter" was Reinforcing and Jungling was not accessible.)
- One can't Quit to field.
- One can't Have a smoke.
- One has no access to "Daily News."
- One has no access to... Expand 472 characters

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Petition ID 3637: New Outpost Preview - Location, Location, Location
Submitted Thu, 03 Mar 16 00:20:29 +0000 by Zoinks

When using the Dimensional Shifter I noticed the original "locations" for the places in NewHome were not the same as before. For example, none of the places in the North Quadrant, beside the Memento Forge, are in the North of the Outpost.

This most likely does not matter all that much, but I thou... Expand 128 characters

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Petition ID 3674: New Outpost Preview - Returning from the Failboat
Submitted Tue, 15 Mar 16 09:44:44 +0000 by Zoinks

If one were to be in, for example, Kittania, head to NewHome with the Outpost Preview already active, and then visit the Failboat, that person will be returned to Kittania instead of NewHome.

If that person were to, however, visit NewHome in the normal view then switch to the Preview, this won't... Expand 58 characters

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Petition ID 3603: Consistent badnav
Submitted Fri, 19 Feb 16 23:22:41 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

WHAT-- Consistent badnavs HOW-- happen when I end playing by waiting for timeout because I don't want to trigger a NewDay WHERE -- when (I delay) returning to an outpost, eg. after reinforcing or emerging from Down Below WHEN -- ever since white badnav was changed to black badnav.

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Petition ID 671: Request for 'heal' link next to HP, except while in Places
Submitted Sun, 15 Apr 12 12:48:42 +0000 by Aelita

I feel it would save pageloads and inventory searching if we could access our Small and Large Medkits from the Vital Info bar to the right, instead of going through our Inventories.

If you're the type who finds themselves using CTRL+F or clicking Lodge Bag every time they want to heal, i'm sure y... Expand 30 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4475d16h ago by Aelita)

Petition ID 1252: Chat Status Options
Submitted Tue, 18 Dec 12 19:40:42 +0000 by CLOGO Rosalind

WHAT: The chat status options in the help menu specifically, have no color code showing. At the moment, if I notice someone is not white, green, red or orange, I have no idea what it means unless I myself go to one of these and see what color it makes me. I'd prefer if they showed up IN THE COLOR th... Expand 681 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4232d14h ago by Forgetting to think, Omega)

Petition ID 3021: Lowering rank was more straightforward than I expected
Submitted Sun, 28 Jun 15 19:43:07 +0000 by

In curiosity of seeing how the process of lowering rank worked, I ended up actually lowering my rank (go figure). I was expecting a confirmation page at least, so petition for one! Also, moving me back to rank 7 would be much appreciated due to this silly mistake. Thank you.

http://improbableisla... Expand 60 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1609d04h ago by Contender Phi)

Petition ID 3273: Links in Clan Member List do not open a new tab
Submitted Fri, 16 Oct 15 18:06:55 +0000 by Flophorse Rowa

Simple one here: Clicking on the name of my clan's members under the "View Membership" page does not open a new tab or window as it does in the "List Contestants" screen (list.php).


It's been around for awhile, I just fin... Expand 110 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3206d08h ago by Junebug)

Petition ID 3947: Travel Map doesn't have solid color backgrounds
Submitted Sat, 06 Aug 16 10:33:37 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

The World Map has the useful property that the background of each cell in the table is a solid color (like the map we had before the CMJ put in Fancy Pictures). This means that the map is still usable even when the map images are unloaded. Please put this feature in the Travel Map that is displayed ... Expand 41 characters

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Petition ID 4147: Luggage Hut could do with a confirmation screen
Submitted Wed, 18 Jan 17 17:27:00 +0000 by Contender NotPatrickStewart

Given how many cigarretes I can spend in a single click at the luggage hut on backpacks and bandoliers, I think it would be fair to have a simple confirmation screen, similar to other stores where I can spend my hard-earned assets like Shiela's.

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Petition ID 4220: UI issue / easy trouble becomes serious trouble
Submitted Tue, 28 Feb 17 07:46:47 +0000 by Tuuk

Hello, a newb here speaking. That is en-ou-ou-beeee.

Was playing an my dumb smartphone and was really immensed in the role playing. Trying to protect Jill-the-NPC-noob, probably more caringly than most newbs would.
And then, because the cheap smart-ass phone has a cheap touch screen, I ended up ... Expand 2417 characters

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Petition ID 4245: Shop Optimization
Submitted Mon, 20 Mar 17 21:06:10 +0000 by Lyses

Hey, I'm about as noob as they come right now, only been playing a couple days. But I've already gotten hit up for a donation because I hit three thousand pages downloaded. How have I done that, other noobs might ask. The things is I've been trading all over the place over encumbering myself and jus... Expand 483 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2575d20h ago by Returning Contestant Zean)

Petition ID 1265: Page location.
Submitted Sun, 30 Dec 12 00:19:28 +0000 by Keep low and Hyde

What: the option to choose where the page will show up in the master settings isn't there anymore.
How: just isn't there when ever I am messing with the pages to show/hide the link or room description.
Where: master settings.
When: um... not sure for how long. I have noticed it for awhile but alw... Expand 24 characters

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Petition ID 5088: Feature request
Submitted Tue, 26 Feb 19 02:34:40 +0000 by Fayte

Pertaining to Place development:

The "lower room number", "higher room number", and "page heading" settings are global for the whole place but it's not always appropriate to use the same headings in the entirety of a Place. Can there be room values for those three that override the Place master ... Expand 17 characters

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Petition ID 4693: Idea for a lodge item. (Not a problem)
Submitted Sun, 11 Feb 18 01:03:11 +0000 by Essentially Amnesiac Jon Titania

I was told this was the best place to submit this.
WHAT: An item that works like a builder's brew but for combat actions instead of building. I'm not sure what the price would be but I feel like it would help with the grind some people do, especially grinding for cigs for clan buffs. It cou... Expand 253 characters

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Petition ID 512: Wanted: Stats on breaches
Submitted Wed, 15 Feb 12 18:13:59 +0000 by die fledermaus

It would be nice if after (or even during!) a breach there were some record of what had gone on in the breach: List of people who had dived in, monsters killed by each (maybe just the top 10 hunters), total monsters spawned & killed, etc.

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Petition ID 757: Feature request: Easier [over]clocking control
Submitted Mon, 04 Jun 12 19:03:22 +0000 by die fledermaus

When fighting titans or seeking the drive, or just
toughing it out without a weapon, we sometimes have
to overclock to 200-300 Volts. That's 20-30 clicks
right there. And if you get boated by the titan and
have to trek cross country to get back to it, you need
to clock back down to 0 so you d... Expand 251 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4399d14h ago by Forgetting to think, Omega)

Petition ID 1493: Devouring tells no stam gain
Submitted Sun, 05 May 13 19:21:27 +0000 by Returning Contestant Outman

While as a zombie with the new cleaning the corpse and devour system, when you devour it just says what you eat and not what you gain in stamina like it did in the old system. is one I did for a bear strapped... Expand 29 characters

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Petition ID 2683: Lodge Categories - custom items missing
Submitted Fri, 30 Jan 15 15:14:33 +0000 by Junebug

The display by category in the Lodge is very nice indeed! Applause! But character customisation items (title, name colour, armour, weapon, race, mount, permanent mount) are not showing up yet under Roleplay and Customisation.

(Apologies if this is a work-in-progress!)

...what's that? URL? I... Expand 175 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2229d05h ago by Twice Jaded Khaesho)

Petition ID 3074: Implants?
Submitted Thu, 16 Jul 15 01:18:24 +0000 by Zoinks

In the opening page the Watcher mentions that the guard of the outpost will sort out your Implant, yet he does not do so anymore. As well, Corporal Punishment doesn't exactly explain it either.
Here's the text:

'She takes hold of your hand and yanks you to your feet. "Go through the gate over t... Expand 217 characters

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Petition ID 3742: Littlehead Implant
Submitted Thu, 14 Apr 16 05:32:20 +0000 by Zoinks

The text for the Littlehead Implant is quite confusing. It seems to imply that it gives experience to skills. However, at one point in time I tested and found it gives extra experience earned from defeating monsters.
So... This is either a typo, a coding problem, or a user misunderstanding.

"Ge... Expand 145 characters

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Petition ID 207: NewDay message is not affected by any changes from Tynan's Gym on health.
Submitted Wed, 09 Nov 11 20:11:59 +0000 by Forgetting to think, Omega

As shown in , it says that my "Hitpoints have been restored to 1057", while the right side panel shows that they are far, far less than that, as an effect of training at Tynan's gym.

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4458d04h ago by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion)

Petition ID 425: Carcass Cleaning flavor text does not cater for Robots.
Submitted Thu, 12 Jan 12 18:59:06 +0000 by Forgetting to think, Omega

As soon as a Robot decides to clean carcasses. Say, to sell them and earn a bit of money, or give them to friends who will surely view them as a great boon and favor, the flavor text would specify that you get hungry from cleaning the carcass:
"You spend a few minutes up to your elbows in gore, an... Expand 347 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4579d04h ago by Forgetting to think, Omega)

Petition ID 768: When doing build jobs, flavour text displays in strange order.
Submitted Sat, 09 Jun 12 23:27:39 +0000 by Buddleia

When I do a construction activity (masonry, carpentry, decorating) and complete the job, this is the flavour text that I see:

You set your Backpack and Bandolier aside, grab your tools and get to work.
The warmth from your Builder's Brew makes the stone feel light as a feather!
Before you r... Expand 2145 characters

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Petition ID 789: Some sorta issue with the shotgun damage.
Submitted Sat, 16 Jun 12 10:43:45 +0000 by Improbably Flaze

What: When using a shotgun, the use text appears as follows (The fight was against a Meter Maid, so...): You shoot your shotgun at Meter Maid causing {damage} damage!
How: Buy shotgun, use in a fight against a monster.
Where: Jungle and Travel encounters, presumably.
When: I don't know when it st... Expand 97 characters

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Petition ID 946: New food system: pan-capacity counter display is sometimes wrong.
Submitted Sat, 18 Aug 12 23:00:36 +0000 by Buddleia

I have the default cooking pan, which has room for 10 items.

Putting in 10 bits of Half-Decent meat, the counter says I have room for 2 more items.

Put in 12, it says 0 more.

Try to cook 12, it says I can't do that.

If I put 9 in, it says I have room for another 10 or 9 (depending on if ... Expand 732 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4332d10h ago by Lieutenant General Proginoskes)

Petition ID 1042: Rate a Monster you haven't fought
Submitted Sat, 15 Sep 12 22:46:04 +0000 by Lieutenant General Proginoskes

If you go into the Jungle just after defeating your Dojo Master, you'll see the "Rate a Monster" blurb.

Now, it would be neat if this let us rate the Masters, but that's not happening. Instead, we get to rate a monster that we haven't just fought: after defeating Kouska, I was offered the opportu... Expand 316 characters

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Petition ID 1164: Pleasantville Threat Flavor Text Incorrect.
Submitted Thu, 08 Nov 12 15:39:58 +0000 by Titano Deleo

When in PV and when it is at Critical Situation the description states

If someone doesn't do something soon, Pleasantville will be in serious trouble - as it is, the Council Offices, bank, Comms Tent and Mike's Chop Shop have all closed up in preparation for the worst.

However the Comms... Expand 308 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3621d11h ago by Bumbling Genna)

Petition ID 1237: In Group Fights, Win Text Displays for Each Monster in the Pack
Submitted Fri, 14 Dec 12 05:48:02 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

WHAT: After winning (or presumably, losing) a group fight, the win text displays for each creature in the group. For example:

End of Round:
Midget from the Train Station's Hitpoints (Level 14): DEFEATED
Midget from the Train Station's Hitpoints (Level 14): DEFEATED
Midget from the Train Statio... Expand 1147 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4097d09h ago by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion)

Petition ID 1251: Flavour text from stranger in PSK stays too long
Submitted Tue, 18 Dec 12 19:09:54 +0000 by Grand Master Badass Max Power

Go into the Prancing Spiderkitty. A stranger approaches you and asks for 25 req in exchange for something that'll help you. If you accept he gives you an ale, which gives you 10 rounds of a "Buzz" buff. Every round you fight after that, you get the flavour text "Faced with the prospect of death, you... Expand 321 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3960d04h ago by Returning Contestant Triggernometry)

Petition ID 1264: Equip not showing on right sidebar
Submitted Thu, 27 Dec 12 19:12:30 +0000 by Oscar Charles

I had this happen with a helmet earlier - I had the effects but it wasn't showing in the right sidebar. The helmet seems to be gone (must have lost it in a DK) but now I'm having the same problem with gloves. I just bought them, but nothing in the equipment list on the right-hand side.

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4125d22h ago by Ikarine Six)

Petition ID 1329: 100-Pack of Cookies showing as -1 left
Submitted Thu, 31 Jan 13 20:48:15 +0000 by Augmented Trex

`~WHAT: The 100-pack of Cookies in the Hunter's Lodge shows as having -1 left, pretty sure that shouldn't have been possible.. HOW: Head into the Hunter's Lodge WHERE: The Hunter's Lodge WHEN: First noticed today 31/1/2013

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Petition ID 1355: Overweight buff not showing
Submitted Tue, 19 Feb 13 08:23:18 +0000 by Keep low and Hyde

What: Since the new updates for the Zombie Donkey came out and were first hit, the overweight backpack buff disappeared with the clattering nightmare buff there. (Confused the hell out of me when it stopped showing up but was still getting hit with the cost).
How: The buff seems to override the sho... Expand 174 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4175d09h ago by Junebug)

Petition ID 1492: "passwords do not match" when changing stuff in Preferences
Submitted Sun, 05 May 13 12:36:36 +0000 by

Hi! When you're changing stuff and saving stuff in the Preferences menu, the phrase "Your passwords do not match." always appears, even if you aren't in the first tab. The settings are still saved, though. So it's not really a bug, but still, thought you'd like to know.

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Petition ID 1580: Sold my mount, but flavour text says I still have it
Submitted Thu, 20 Jun 13 20:19:10 +0000 by

I reached the stage in the Saga of Budget Horse that gives me his grandchildren. Noticing that they don't seem to work very well in dense jungle, I sold them off in Kittania and went on my way. But a couple of klicks north of Kit, the flavour text for the Grandchildren reappeared, and it looks like ... Expand 200 characters

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Petition ID 1704: Can divorce multiple times in one sitting.
Submitted Fri, 13 Sep 13 00:23:12 +0000 by Woof Woof Collin Vee

When divorcing in the kittania chapel, you can repeatedly hit the divorce button and recieve the 'the marriage has been annulled' message. It's clear that the option just isn't removed upon clicking it. Unless someone wants to really be sure they divorced someone, it's a non-issue, more cosmetic... Expand 254 characters

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Petition ID 2126: Return to the Shades
Submitted Wed, 04 Jun 14 21:21:00 +0000 by A Steaming Pile of Deity of Choice

Healing at the Hospital Tent while an Outpost is breached turns the "Return to Outpost" link into "Return to the Shades". Only appeared after healing, still said "Return to Outpost" after accessing the inventory, entering the Jungle, etc.

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Petition ID 2352: Mount messages Down Below
Submitted Tue, 09 Sep 14 18:51:18 +0000 by A Steaming Pile of Deity of Choice

Moving a square Down Below still has your Mount's travelling messages pop up. Unless there's `isupposed`i to be birds and swaying branches down there.

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Petition ID 2659: Mini-HOF in odd tab for Preferences
Submitted Tue, 20 Jan 15 00:34:34 +0000 by Mr. Pappy Outmen

I was looking through preferences and noticed that the mini HOF for stamina related actions was under the Donation tab. I think this happened by mistake when it seems more of a display or game behavior item. I don't know how long it has been there but I figured it should be brought to attention sinc... Expand 99 characters

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Petition ID 2761: Who's Nearby display in room shows player who has left
Submitted Mon, 09 Mar 15 01:12:59 +0000 by Brace yourself; Meara

The Who's Nearby display in a room shows a player who is no longer in the room. The chat indicator is orange, showing the player is online but somewhere else.

It probably happens all over, but I duplicated it here: Expand 172 characters

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Petition ID 2870: Shows exhaust buff when not exhausted
Submitted Mon, 27 Apr 15 14:54:04 +0000 by Transcendent Grand Lord Elevated Badass of the Gods Naldru

If you let stamina fall into amber region, message exhausted appears under buffs. However, if you increase stamina by using ration pack, eating at cafe, using stamina drink, etc., the exhausted buff message does not vanish. However, the stamina bar does show that you have moved into the green. I ... Expand 286 characters

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Petition ID 3069: Message about Son of Budget Horse appears before you get him.
Submitted Wed, 15 Jul 15 12:15:37 +0000 by

I got Son of Budget Horse. But earlier on page there is annoucement:

"Son of Budget Horse crawls over to you, having already strapped your Axe Handle to his back. "Wake up, sleepy head - today is a fine day for adventure!" he cries. "Quiet, you," you retort, before jumping onto his shoulders and ... Expand 151 characters

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Petition ID 3953: Ferryman description is wrong. Non-urgent.
Submitted Thu, 11 Aug 16 16:26:17 +0000 by Basidium Kolja

When you trigger the Ferryman improbable event, entering his boat but refusing to pay him, one of the possible outcomes is a fight. Located here?

If you win and use the feature where you view the monster description, under "Wait, how did tha... Expand 145 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1394d21h ago by Technical Sergeant Kruken)

Petition ID 254: Formatting: Cryptic Questions Joker
Submitted Wed, 23 Nov 11 03:03:52 +0000 by Buddleia

1. On the screen where you meet him, it is all in black. He does not talk in the usual monster's dark magenta, and you do not talk in your set talkcol.

2. If you opt to do the riddle, he talks in

3. If you get the riddle right, the description and his line is in ... Expand 625 characters

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Petition ID 484: Visual errors in the quest_rohit_2 module.
Submitted Mon, 06 Feb 12 07:10:50 +0000 by Forgetting to think, Omega

Some color oddities I have encountered while experiencing the enjoyable encounter with Rohit, the Robot:

1) After the first scene, /talkcol does not affect your in-map color, while it does in the first.

2)This part of the first scene has the same color, even though it should not be: "Here is... Expand 458 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4546d20h ago by Buddleia)

Petition ID 642: Petitions system: something wrong with the italics display
Submitted Wed, 04 Apr 12 05:22:37 +0000 by Buddleia

WHAT: If the person writing a Petition uses italics, then when you read it in the Known Bugs list, it looks as if they forgot to use a closing-italic sign. The whole of the rest of the description is italicised.

Example: petition 641.

But if you open the petition with "Chat about this petition... Expand 424 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4469d05h ago by Forgetting to think, Omega)

Petition ID 770: Reappearance of " ` Watcher " - DK screen - petition 287 is back
Submitted Sun, 10 Jun 12 23:07:36 +0000 by Buddleia

I've just killed the Drive. On the screen where you chose your race, what should be " The Watcher " has turned into " ` Watcher ", again/still. So there's a " $The " missing, like in petition 287 - but in just one place:

` Watcher smiles. "Oh, they must have drugged you up something awful... Expand 361 characters

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Petition ID 1061: Jumbled Text due to Color Formatting?
Submitted Fri, 21 Sep 12 07:38:30 +0000 by Dawg

Names have become jumbled while in the Jungle. Not sure the url of the page will make sense, but perhaps it will from the land of Mod-dom. I posted a tinypic as well.

and a tinypic, different page, same p... Expand 101 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4326d16h ago by Junebug)

Petition ID 1213: Armour code not working in the bios
Submitted Fri, 30 Nov 12 20:37:44 +0000 by Cupcake Maker Minion

What: the `&a does not show up when in use in the extended bio of a character.
How: put the code in your extended bio section of your bio and save then look at your bio page.
Where: preferences and bio.
When: not sure.

Also it doesn't work in the basic bio description with along with `&w. ... Expand 33 characters

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Petition ID 1319: Family Fun Faktory color glitch
Submitted Sat, 26 Jan 13 21:34:06 +0000 by Bastard Pirate Black Jacques Chirac

Family Fun Food Wacky Faktory
You point to the menu. "I'll have this. The artificially-coloured bar of fun -"


This quote from the WaiterBot is in the wrong blue color, same as the "You" speech in interaction... Expand 8 characters

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Petition ID 1680: Chatcol issue in Place Pages
Submitted Thu, 29 Aug 13 03:27:06 +0000 by

In my Place, Port Foley (6,7) there is an error in the chatcol identifying code (#) in the pages that start with "Talk to Kelcy" and all subsequent click throughs. In the Master Settings view of these pages, the (#) codes all show up as my designated chatcol color, in actual use, however, they show ... Expand 127 characters

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Petition ID 1874: Colouring stop.
Submitted Mon, 13 Jan 14 01:01:22 +0000 by

When fighting a monster that has body parts you can strike the parts are displayed below a heading, reading 'Strike body parts'. The stamina cost for attacking is then displayed in parenthesis after the heading, with the percentage cost being in an orange highlight, however, the closing parenthesis ... Expand 61 characters

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Petition ID 1914: Mementos with unclosed formatting tags not quite fully fixed for Places
Submitted Wed, 05 Feb 14 19:42:48 +0000 by Buddleia

MOTD of 23/01/2014 says that Mementos are fixed so that bold, italics, colours etc won't leak through to the rest of the page. That fix works perfectly almost everywhere: in your bio, in your inventory when you're in an outpost, or in eBoy's, the Hunter's Lodge, the Scrapyard Market, or on the map. ... Expand 161 characters

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Petition ID 2170: Colour Codes
Submitted Thu, 19 Jun 14 18:46:25 +0000 by Royale Badass Morphius

Colour Codes for weapon descriptions for the "New Day" creature's introduction text. Possibly a problem with ``w? I just noticed it in the jungle a few moments ago... Just thought someone should know in case noone's reported it ^-^

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3678d14h ago by Royale Badass Morphius)

Petition ID 2660: Color in Master Settings' Nav Heading
Submitted Tue, 20 Jan 15 01:57:15 +0000 by Returning Contestant Outman

This is an older bug that I have been meaning to post about, just not gotten around to because I keep forgetting. Basically, when you do colors in the nav heading to change the name around, it keeps changing it when you go back in and do some other changes afterwards, example, I have a place where... Expand 398 characters

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Petition ID 2702: Special comments through the comms tent are in purple.
Submitted Tue, 10 Feb 15 07:48:59 +0000 by Accomplice Teh Dave

If you look through a comms tent link to another outpost, any special comments come out in purple instead of black. Could be a default font color in the page?
Example: (Has to have a special c... Expand 19 characters

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Petition ID 2829: Meat Colors don't show anymore.
Submitted Thu, 09 Apr 15 21:33:17 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

WHERE -- In the jungle HOW ----- I devour meat WHAT ---- The meat colors don't show up anymore WHEN ---- Just noticed, presumably been so since CMJ changed the chat colors. I enabled player colors. Cleaning the carcass shows the meat color code. Just devouring displays an all black message.

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Petition ID 3854: Dada doesn't interpret color codes in custom weapon with
Submitted Tue, 07 Jun 16 18:16:53 +0000 by Toothy Humanitarian Awesome Fred

On the encounter text of Dada the Ambulatory Printing Press, I see:

"But this is just a piece of paper. It doesn't attack. You shift your `4`bEnormous`b Gaping Maw`0 to grab it from the air. "

I'll provide the URL since you asked: Expand 57 characters

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Petition ID 3886: Double comma shows up in name on Bio Page
Submitted Tue, 28 Jun 16 19:01:27 +0000 by Existentially Quinn

What it says on the tin! Noticed on Cal's bio page before it was fixed with a grave mark.

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Petition ID 1021: Equipment in Sheila's Shack O' Shiny Keeps Talking about "Turns".
Submitted Sat, 08 Sep 12 18:43:20 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

WHAT: The descriptions of Sheila's equipment occasionally reference "turns", despite there being no such thing anymore. For instance, the description of the Lead Pipe reads: "Sacrifice a turn in exchange for not paying so much? I guess?"

HOW: Go to Sheila's Shack O' Shiny and click on any w... Expand 186 characters

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Petition ID 1084: Newly Weds player list still doesn't show places by name
Submitted Sat, 29 Sep 12 01:28:31 +0000 by Flophorse Trowa

Just like the title says. The Contestant List and Clan Members Online list both show the names and rooms of a place where a character is, but the Newly Weds list available in the Common Grounds does not.

Rea... Expand 147 characters

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Petition ID 2164: You're not my mom! - New Failboat mechanic, old Failboat text
Submitted Tue, 17 Jun 14 16:14:27 +0000 by A Steaming Pile of Deity of Choice

Failing a Cage Fight still gives you the old text of `$the Watcher`& saving your hide and telling you you're not allowed any more Cage Fights. Being able to enter a cage with 0 Adrenaline is also a problem.

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Petition ID 3059: Changes to hunting
Submitted Mon, 13 Jul 15 19:11:39 +0000 by Mr. Pappy Outmen

The change to Really big trouble happened in the jungle, but other place like the HOF have yet to be turned from suicidal.

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Petition ID 650: Mismatched tooltips
Submitted Thu, 05 Apr 12 05:18:25 +0000 by Dizzyizzy

This might be my most nitpicky report yet. In the medals on bio pages, the tooltip for the Emily Bundle medal reads "Emily Bundle Supporter", while the tooltip for the Creator Bundle simply reads "Creator Bundle". They should either both say "Supporter" (my preference), or both simply say the name o... Expand 13 characters

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Petition ID 2228: Woo, typos!
Submitted Fri, 11 Jul 14 21:27:12 +0000 by A Steaming Pile of Deity of Choice

The Strategy Hut is missing spaces between a couple of its sentences, such as "You give Atrus 5 Requisition.He nods, and thinks to himself."
Sheila talks in ~ on the first page, 2 on purchasing/selling pages, and in 1 during Rohit's quest.
When examining the Budget Horse, the character's talkcol b... Expand 1392 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 3668d11h ago by Forgetting to think, Omega)

Petition ID 2407: Typo
Submitted Thu, 25 Sep 14 04:57:27 +0000 by Forever Dolbrian

Pleasantville description text for 'assistance required' phase, last paragraph: "Meanwhile, the folks inside the Outposts are..." "Outpost" should be singular.

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Petition ID 2557: Minor spelling error
Submitted Sun, 16 Nov 14 23:30:57 +0000 by At Curtain Call Isabelle

WHAT: Spelling error in the description for the Spanky halloween candy. Spanky A litte more exciting than vanilla. Should be "Little", not "Litte".

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Petition ID 2577: Improbability bomb charm grammar typo
Submitted Mon, 24 Nov 14 20:59:02 +0000 by Major General Shiro Kuroyami

When I threw an improbability bomb (ironically at a typo gremlin) I noticed there was an extra word:

You light the fuse on the Improbability Bomb and toss it towards your opponent.
The Improbability Bomb breaks open, bathing you in a cool white light. When it fades, you feel calm, self-confident... Expand 304 characters

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Petition ID 2696: Repetetetetive "Buy items" links in Hunter's Lodge
Submitted Fri, 06 Feb 15 20:11:55 +0000 by Lieutenant General Proginoskes

In Hunter's Lodge right now (at least when I go there from Improbable Central), I'm presented with multiple identical items in the link list at left.

I suspect this is related to the "filtered" item tables: if each tab/filter duplicates the table rows for the items, instead of hiding and showing ... Expand 265 characters

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Petition ID 2762: March Hair use text typo
Submitted Mon, 09 Mar 15 13:35:45 +0000 by Catkin Svedka

Last word in the March Hair use text, "toupees", gets a strange combo of characters for the e with an acute over it.

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Petition ID 3034: Spelling/grammatical error.
Submitted Sun, 05 Jul 15 03:53:45 +0000 by Jimmers Crossby

In the Ferry Joker event, if you refuse to pay the 100 req, there is an error- "... it would best if you..." just noticed it now, don't know how long it's been around.

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Petition ID 3506: Typo in New New Home description (dojo/mike's)
Submitted Sat, 09 Jan 16 20:51:16 +0000 by die fledermaus

To the east, Mike's Marvellous Motors emits odd harrumphing sounds and ominous smells. To the east, the NewHome Dojo emits breathless panting Dojo is to the west.

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Petition ID 4100: Small typo in store, in description of the soul sucker.
Submitted Fri, 09 Dec 16 18:50:59 +0000 by Nightbird Kitsune

Resembling a cattle prod with an extra pair of electrodes leading to your head. Simply stab your foe with the (admittedly not terribly sharp) prongs, and it'll literally such out your foe's life energy, replenishing your hitpoints. Battery lasts 20 rounds, after which, please feel free to continue s... Expand 270 characters

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Petition ID 4424: Haberdasher takes gold
Submitted Fri, 30 Jun 17 04:25:41 +0000 by Private Eris

I gave the haberdasher 20k req for a new hat, and the page said I gave him gold. Unknown currency!

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Petition ID 3077: Wiki Syntax
Submitted Sat, 18 Jul 15 05:51:29 +0000 by Zoinks

When editing anything in the wiki a note comes up above the input box saying:
Edit the page and hit Save. See syntax for Wiki syntax. Please edit the page only if you can improve it. If you want to test some things, learn to make your first steps on the playground.
Both "syntax" and "playground" a... Expand 429 characters

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Petition ID 3924: Please enable colored text on the Wiki of Lies
Submitted Sun, 17 Jul 16 17:07:56 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

[Side note: there are so many broken things in and around the Enquirer, but I am loath to report them because they would take away from CMJ's valuable game-improvement time. But perhaps a mod could be given the assignment of tweaking the Enquirer's software, and I could bother them? I would ... Expand 680 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2794d10h ago by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion)

Petition ID 1912: Enquirer Gallery of Shame BUG
Submitted Tue, 04 Feb 14 20:16:14 +0000 by Allegedly a Title and Sonny

1. Recently someone posted a picture 9 times in the Gallery of Shame, possibly because there is still no notification or other indication that it actually worked.

2. In Addition there is still some css (?) bug making the text under the thubsized pics look like this:
{!if lang_subalbums} {!if lan... Expand 424 characters

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Petition ID 4320: Ok, now im sure there is a lodge problem.
Submitted Mon, 08 May 17 23:49:04 +0000 by Puddle Jumper Ruriko

Bought some cookies, 5, today. Used the last of my supporter points, checked my inventory and had 3 cookies and 2 new builders brew. Ive noticed small discrepancys, like vanishing items, (halloween candy multi bags), but was not 100 % sure as it happened over a few days and I had a lot of them. Then... Expand 516 characters

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Petition ID 5542: Broth Joker text doesn't respect TimesTen when awarding temporary hit points
Submitted Tue, 05 Jul 22 01:26:11 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: If the Hearty Broth from the Broth Joker gives you temporary hit points, the flavor text will say you've received 1 hit point instead of 10. Your actual HP will go up by the correct amount.
HOW: Take Hearty Broth from the Broth Joker and receive temporary HP.
WHERE: https://www.improbableisl... Expand 113 characters

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Petition ID 5563: Possible Clan Member Cap Script Error/Exploit
Submitted Fri, 12 Aug 22 01:08:55 +0000 by Wandering WolphStrykes

I visited the TALES Clan Hall to see about the Member Cap. Ours was at 35 with 190 cigs in the Member Cap Bank. The message stated we only had to donate 0 cigs to increase the member cap.

Having 49 cigs, I put in 2 cigs. It increased our member cap to 36. I thought I'd put in zero to see what h... Expand 839 characters

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Petition ID 176: Strike body parts doesn't pop up for subsequent pack monsters
Submitted Thu, 03 Nov 11 20:12:28 +0000 by Fractal Aeridus

When I'm fighting a group of monsters that have the "Strike body parts" option, whenever I kill one of them the display defaults to the regular "hit the monster" with no "Strike body parts" display. It doesn't show up again until I do a regular hit.

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Petition ID 183: Mob monsters all dying at once with REPOSTE
Submitted Sat, 05 Nov 11 07:50:06 +0000 by Ashielf

WHAT: When fighting and coming against a Mob Monster who attacks first, The REPOSTE instantly kills ALL the mobs if it does enough damage to kill the first.

HOW: I'm using the Force Generator Armour and have a +750 to my defense. Whenever I first fight them, before I can even attack, and I do eno... Expand 695 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 4048d12h ago by Warrior of Wrath)

Petition ID 257: Caroline the speed medic doesn't work right on the failboat
Submitted Wed, 23 Nov 11 20:57:36 +0000 by die fledermaus

She's healed my adrenaline above the maximum mark, (not that I mind) and the watcher wants to charge me -2 favour for an adrenaline shot (not that I mind that either) - which is probably not what was intended?

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Petition ID 444: Strong Attack with Broken Limbs
Submitted Tue, 17 Jan 12 22:23:45 +0000 by Major General Umbitual

What: Jungle monsters power attack with broken limbs. Not positive that the attack is a power attack but the strong attack text appears on the round but no warning text appeared previously, I guessed at blocking and found that it was a broken limbs that was attacking every round. Happened for severa... Expand 188 characters

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Petition ID 485: Petition colors bleed through the rest of the page!
Submitted Mon, 06 Feb 12 16:16:11 +0000 by Forgetting to think, Omega

Very easily `jse`Jen `LHere. I will not go into detail, as the discussion page should convey all what there is to convey.

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Petition ID 652: Weightless Wood in Lodge Bag goes to Places when regular logs are given to a place.
Submitted Fri, 06 Apr 12 04:00:32 +0000 by Ghislane Zarina Dupuis

My weightless wood (WW) that I had tucked safely in my lodge bag wound up in my place inventory (place - 2 klicks south of PV, untitled, second plot) when I added regular logs to the Place Inventory.

WHAT in detail:

1. I was logging to stockpile wood knowing I would need a very large amount to... Expand 2064 characters

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Petition ID 907: Titans do't take damage on the round in which they boat you.
Submitted Fri, 10 Aug 12 13:03:45 +0000 by die fledermaus

Fight a titan. Get riposted onto the boat. Note the titan's health. Unboat. Get back to the titan, look at its health. It has magically recovered back to the health it had on the round _before_ it boated you.

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Petition ID 1050: Collapsible stats preferences reset after DK
Submitted Tue, 18 Sep 12 05:50:09 +0000 by Grand Master Badass Max Power

WHAT: While playing the game normally, the little +/- stats works fine: hit them once and they (dis)appear on that page load, hit them twice and they (dis)appear on every page load. However, when you DK, they get reset. All of them show and you have to click them twice again to get them to go away.
... Expand 158 characters

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Petition ID 1172: Titan KO not registering
Submitted Wed, 14 Nov 12 08:50:04 +0000 by Hunting high and lowkey

This has just happened with two Titans that I supposedly KO'ed.

In a given round of battle, I hit X to hit the Titan 10 times, and got the message that it was KO'ed.

On returning to the map, the Titan was still there...and when I clicked back on it, it was still active, with only a few less HP... Expand 363 characters

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Petition ID 1299: All Hunter's Lodge menu/nav items show up twice
Submitted Thu, 17 Jan 13 06:37:00 +0000 by Iriana

WHAT: In the Hunter's Lodge, the whole menu of buyable items appears twice, as one very long list.
HOW: Access the Hunter's Lodge. It persists even after exiting to the Outpost and coming back.
WHERE: Expand 60 characters

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Petition ID 2117: Colour practice at Raven Inn does not output
Submitted Tue, 03 Jun 14 05:00:57 +0000 by

The colour 'practice' area at the Raven Inn does not output coloured text, but it does show the characters that were inputted.
Unsure of trigger; may be specific to this session or account, as other players seem to have learned how to colour text.
Occurs at Expand 90 characters

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Petition ID 2128: Selling in scrapyard market
Submitted Thu, 05 Jun 14 00:53:43 +0000 by Mr. Pappy Outmen

I did a run in the scrapyard today and went to sell a few things, like the partial match commentary and ended up with it asking if I'd like to sell my hide door item. Threw me off by the price because I was expecting 850+ points and said for another 58 points, before I saw the name of the item. Here... Expand 213 characters

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Petition ID 2678: Teleporting bug?
Submitted Wed, 28 Jan 15 00:21:40 +0000 by A Scholarly Ridle

So to try and make a spare character, I wanted to get the "cookie" for talking in banter- but not global at the moment. I went One East of Newhome, and into the Alchemist's place. I was able to click the link that allowed me to start talking in Banter, as soon as I accepted the agreement to follow t... Expand 409 characters

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Petition ID 2832: Unlinked Programs not populating
Submitted Fri, 10 Apr 15 15:47:06 +0000 by Lady of the Temple Finch

WHAT - When buying new unlinked programs for my place, I paid the SP, but no program showed up to be edited.
HOW - Under "Unlinked Programs" on the programming page for my Place, I clicked "Create New". I then confirmed that yes, I do want to do this, and The SP was charged, but no program showed ... Expand 207 characters

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Petition ID 2841: The Midget Purge is Incomplete
Submitted Tue, 14 Apr 15 19:04:43 +0000 by Dirk Vanderhuge

`2The Graphics for the SQUAT/MIDGET programming contrivance show the abbreviation MI instead of whatever might be in use for Squats now. Its always something.

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Petition ID 2905: Really Big Trouble jungle skill
Submitted Wed, 20 May 15 17:23:40 +0000 by Zoinks

The skill related to Really Big Trouble Jungle searches is still named "Hunting - Suicidal" despite the name change.

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Petition ID 3094: Hunter's Lodge: Customizers uncategorized
Submitted Fri, 24 Jul 15 03:56:07 +0000 by Lieutenant General Proginoskes

In the Hunter's Lodge, the single-use customisation items (Cunning Disguise, Weapon Disguise, Custom Armour Kit, Title Change Document, Name Colourisation Kit, Picture Frame, and Collar) are listed under "All", but not any of the categories. I suspect that they're supposed to be under "Roleplaying a... Expand 411 characters

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Petition ID 3251: Tesla Frame doesn't charge
Submitted Thu, 08 Oct 15 00:35:11 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

I'm not even sure if this is a fault or a necessary consequence of my equipment. Here's what I'm using:

Armour: Lightning Suit
Weapon: Cat Launcher
Implant: Tesla Frame
Rank 7

After I bought the Cat Launcher, the Tesla Frame stopped charging and was stuck at 32/91 forever.

Likewise, when... Expand 181 characters

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Petition ID 3268: Duplicate bodies Down Below
Submitted Thu, 15 Oct 15 18:37:17 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

I am so sorry I do not have a URL for this. Or specific names.

Basically, this is what happened. I went Down Below and saw, on Level 4, two contestant bodies (Contestants A and B. I already 'knew' the Level 4 map - it hasn't changed for me for a couple of days of exploration. Neither of them appe... Expand 1167 characters

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Petition ID 3360: My Candy Buffs Nooo
Submitted Sun, 15 Nov 15 11:12:53 +0000 by Colonel Sash

This problem is about losing Halloween Candy buffs when sent to the Failboat.

I tested several cases of this. In every case I start out with some candy buffs and a terrible headache on the Failboat.

Case 1: I go on the failboat, head below decks, I fight for my freedom, I approach the watcher ... Expand 655 characters

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Petition ID 3399: General Chat Knowledge
Submitted Mon, 30 Nov 15 00:23:08 +0000 by Colonel Sash

So a couple of us were discussing less-known chat functions in banter.
Someone suggested we petition this, so here I am.
There is no description for these chat functions anywhere!
The ones we were most confused about were the status bar colors, DNI, and TTM.

Put a descripti... Expand 58 characters

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Petition ID 3493: Dojo in NewHome lets non-humans in.
Submitted Thu, 07 Jan 16 08:06:37 +0000 by Fully synched Sessine

As a Joker, Sessine was able to challenge Tiffny Figg in NewHome. There's no code in the module to prevent it, of course, because normally you don't even see the dojo if you are the wrong race.

I don't know if this is a bug, or a change in the game rules. I like having the Dojo visible, and even ... Expand 220 characters

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Petition ID 3588: Pleasantville Flavour Text
Submitted Sun, 14 Feb 16 20:24:37 +0000 by Grand Mistress Badass Kythia

Flavour Text currently reads:

"If someone doesn't do something soon, Pleasantville will be in serious trouble - as it is, the Council Offices, bank, Comms Tent and Mike's Chop Shop have all closed up in preparation for the worst.

Outpost wall hitpoints: 794,684"

However the bank and comms t... Expand 73 characters

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Petition ID 3747: Metamiranite requisition reward
Submitted Sat, 16 Apr 16 21:12:50 +0000 by Zoinks

Metamiranite claims to give extra requisitions after a fight!
However, with an unnamed one, we are consistently getting: - claims of getting an additional amount exactly the same as the amount we're getting.

With a Named one, we are getting MUCH lower amounts of r... Expand 124 characters

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Petition ID 3826: "Enchanted" Kittymorph Nudity does not grant naked bonus
Submitted Mon, 23 May 16 04:19:17 +0000 by Colonel Gryph

- Despite kittymorphs getting a combat bonus when fighting naked, Nudity +1 and Nudity -1 does not grant this bonus

- When purchasing an armour upgrade from the suspicious trader in The Prancing Spiderkitty in Improbable Central while equipped with Nudity, the bonus is gone when the player obtain... Expand 308 characters

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Petition ID 3859: Upon defeating a group monster, you get a description prompt for each of the group's monsters
Submitted Thu, 09 Jun 16 13:01:48 +0000 by Forgetting to think, Omega

The feature that allows you to check back on monster descriptions after you kill them is great! It doesn't work very well on group monsters. After I've killed Wild Horses, I got six "Wait, how did that encounter begin?" prompts in a row, followed by six "You have defeated Wild Horse!" messages.

... Expand 382 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1449d20h ago by Bloody Ridiculous Showoff Katarina Walker)

Petition ID 3884: Double Hunters Lodge items
Submitted Mon, 27 Jun 16 09:37:49 +0000 by stux

Just today I noticed that the item list in the Hunters Lodge seems to have some sort of mistake. This is the page I was on when noticing it: When entering the Hunters Lodge, there are to lines of items. The rig... Expand 519 characters

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Petition ID 3885: Rating Dojo Masters
Submitted Mon, 27 Jun 16 11:48:35 +0000 by Zoinks

If one fights a Dojo Master then going into the Jungle, you have the option to rate it, like normal monsters. Expand 103 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2008d15h ago by Lieutenant General Proginoskes)

Petition ID 3927: Down Below Double KO Oddity
Submitted Tue, 19 Jul 16 21:34:55 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

One FoeBot fight ended in double KO, me and the monster.
Shows favor like I'm on the Boat, but am able to use Inventory and heal up.
Second double KO - the game displays navs as if I'm dead and alive alike:
Trying to move showed the same Schrödinger navs. Seems I'm dead a... Expand 119 characters

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Petition ID 3993: Chronospheres don't always refill.
Submitted Fri, 16 Sep 16 11:36:09 +0000 by Lieutenant Oryx

I didn't log in for ~4 days, and when I came back both chronospheres were empty, even after refreshing the page. I played for a while and then logged off overnight, and when I logged back in in the morning, one chronosphere was filled. I can't find anything about how often they should be filled. Am ... Expand 465 characters

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Petition ID 4604: Dan's Quest AND Giant Tatoo Mutant Monster Description
Submitted Thu, 23 Nov 17 01:56:14 +0000 by Improbable Badass Nanifa

Killed the both the Quest monster as well as the Giant Tattoo Mutant, and the Monster Description button at the bottom displayed the Anti-ant Colony description for both.
Sorry if this is a repost, I gave up finding a similar problem on t... Expand 26 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2427d08h ago by Improbable Badass Nanifa)

Petition ID 4638: Metamiranite seems to be screwing up
Submitted Sat, 30 Dec 17 06:04:45 +0000 by At Curtain Call Isabelle

WHAT: When I collect my requisition from the end of a fight, I'm getting incorrect numbers from everything.
HOW: Holding a Large unnamed Metamiranite, with no requisition on your person, win a fight.
WHERE: Jungle, on fight completion.
WHEN: Just now noticed it, might have been happening for a wh... Expand 252 characters

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Petition ID 4736: Hyperteleporter update issue
Submitted Fri, 02 Mar 18 13:45:56 +0000 by Hound Dog Naimad

The issue is that multiple times I've used an OST to leave a location, place or Titan being the main examples that happened, then tried hypering back and it wouldn't let me click the spot that I had left, still being lit up as if I was there. No idea on the exact amount of time it's been happening d... Expand 114 characters

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Petition ID 4777: Down Below: NewDay put me outside of the map instead of up
Submitted Tue, 03 Apr 18 09:35:59 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

See screenshot. Last night I dropped dead and waited for NewDay to pop me out, from lvl 13 back to Kittania. Today I found myself beyond the boundaries of the map. Alive and able to live through the monster fight that happened next.

My theory is that the walls of the map shifted at NewDay, the ne... Expand 408 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2296d20h ago by Coffee Grindr Csodas)

Petition ID 4827: Glitch involving the character chat beta/time outs
Submitted Sat, 02 Jun 18 02:13:22 +0000 by Year of the Torvus

The new chat beta (the one where it doesn't refresh after sending a message) has a glitch: if you time out without signing out, and click 'send' (on MOBILE, I'm not sure about PC), everything below the chat will appear as the II welcome page, while everything above will display as normal. I haven't ... Expand 123 characters

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Petition ID 4842: You can get stuck in the Petition Details and Chat section
Submitted Tue, 19 Jun 18 18:20:47 +0000 by The Will-o'-wisp sasstrid

What: the Customize character page, opened from a Petition Details and Chat page, can end up as a player's active page (or whatever you call the page that you were on that you get redirected to if you improperly navigate the site or just logged in). This leads to them being sent back to the Petition... Expand 350 characters

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Petition ID 4939: Access Preferences from other places?
Submitted Tue, 24 Jul 18 15:29:58 +0000 by The Man wearing Tamlin

Can we have the option to access the Preferences menu from any page, or at least while in Places? I've had instances where preferences have been deleted so the layout changes and I can't fix it if I'm in a Place, I'd have to travel out to an outpost to change it then go back to continue actually doi... Expand 20 characters

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Petition ID 4943: Killing the Drive can show other monster's description
Submitted Fri, 27 Jul 18 16:55:12 +0000 by Delivery

At the end of a normal monster fight, there's that little box that says "Wait, how did that encounter begin? Monster Description" and you can click it to see what the monster's description had been before the battle was fought.
I'm not sure exactly what caused it, but having just finished o... Expand 491 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2141d05h ago by Sentinel Orangbo)

Petition ID 4950: Color Glitch
Submitted Sat, 11 Aug 18 16:58:38 +0000 by The Narrator Sonix

When you are using italics and color, if you change both of them back but have color first, it unitalicizes but doesn't change the color to the one you picked, but reverts it to your preferred color. You have to do ital first then color, and it should be the same result no matter which one is first,... Expand 75 characters

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Petition ID 4952: /chatcol does not work in Outpost Banter
Submitted Thu, 16 Aug 18 03:52:47 +0000 by Executioner Durmo

`&I couldn't get it to work. My chatcol was `$$`& before and I tried changing it to `~~`& but it didn't work in Banter. I had to type it into story channel to get it to work.

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Petition ID 4953: DB Ko + Overweight Backpack = Total loss of stamina
Submitted Thu, 16 Aug 18 23:24:28 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

Last night I got knocked out Down below and my stamina was at 0%. Rescue didn't restore stamina. Tonight the same thing happened, and after some testing I believe this must be happening because my backpack was overloaded with Bunnies and Scrap. Green weight knockout didn't take stamina.

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2145d08h ago by The Will-o'-wisp sasstrid)

Petition ID 4967: The previous room value gets cleared by certain things. Most notably by clicking a link to a Page.
Submitted Tue, 11 Sep 18 19:48:54 +0000 by The Will-o'-wisp sasstrid

The previous room value, which is checked by the previous room Contrivance, gets cleared/erased by certain things that don't involve going to another room or leaving the Place, which are the only things I'd expect to change it's value. The most notable thing that causes it to occur is clicking a nav... Expand 1452 characters

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Petition ID 4981: gmail email problems
Submitted Mon, 24 Sep 18 22:05:20 +0000 by Rookie panda

when is started i couldn't get the email working i retyped and it didn't work but i asked my friend who plays this and has a yahoo email and it worked i don't know if this is only for gmail but i think other people had this problem and the url code is this: Expand 13 characters

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Petition ID 4997: Badnavs are no longer properly redirecting.
Submitted Sun, 07 Oct 18 14:07:07 +0000 by The Will-o'-wisp sasstrid

Badnavs are no longer redirecting you to the page you're supposed to be on. Additionally it seems to be trying to redirect to the wrong pages, typically the last room in the last Place you were in (e.g. Attempted redirect: "runmodule.php?module=places&placeid=2045&roomid=29950&op=room"), but a few o... Expand 316 characters

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Petition ID 5014: Recaptcha Out Of Date; Cannot Register for Forum
Submitted Sun, 21 Oct 18 12:16:48 +0000 by Rookie Grubbington

When attempting to make a forum account, I cannot because 'RECAPTCHA V1 IS SHUT DOWN'. Apparently, this results in not being able to pass through the page, instead of just automatically doing so or automatically directing through to another recaptcha. Expand 1 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1602d10h ago by Storyseller Reon)

Petition ID 5026: HTML in chat is essentially hot garbage (invalid, unbalanced)
Submitted Tue, 06 Nov 18 05:39:52 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

Like it says, the HTML in ii's chats is essentially hot garbage. It's probably invalid and the span tags are unbalanced. This makes it very hard to write userscripts to manipulate chat, as it happens. Here's a url

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Petition ID 5027: Wiki wordblock should be turned off probably
Submitted Wed, 07 Nov 18 17:51:20 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

Sometimes I'm editing a wiki page and I can't submit it because it's flagged as spam by the wordblock. This is very annoying when it comes up. For example, just today I was trying to paste a copy of the rules into a wiki page and it got flagged as spam. I don't think the wordblock is actually doing ... Expand 227 characters

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Petition ID 5028: Posting in dynamic banter fills my browser's console with tens of TypeErrors per second
Submitted Wed, 07 Nov 18 18:17:13 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

Posting in dynamic banter (where you can post without reloading the page) fills my browser's console with tens of TypeErrors per second.

(chat continues to work fine, it's just might mean something is wrong internally, and it's a bit annoying if you have to use the console (also annoying if you h... Expand 414 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1958d22h ago by Gamina)

Petition ID 5031: chat refresh resets selection
Submitted Thu, 15 Nov 18 04:19:24 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

Whenever the autoupdate refreshes the chat, any selection you have jumps to the beginning of the text. For instance, highlighting text to copy it will inevitably end up copying more text than you wanted, as it will copy from the beginning of the page of chat to wherever your cursor is selecting.

... Expand 66 characters

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Petition ID 5039: Three French Hens instawin
Submitted Wed, 21 Nov 18 19:50:31 +0000 by Kol Faoiltiarna

Instead of killing the first hen and still having two more, I keep killing all three in the first round if I do enough damage to kill the first one. I think maybe it's dividing the damage up between them all. I've noticed it off and on with other monsters that roam in groups, but it's consistent w... Expand 81 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1602d10h ago by Storyseller Reon)

Petition ID 5062: Raven Inn incomplete color codes
Submitted Sun, 13 Jan 19 17:24:54 +0000 by Returning Contestant Logan Turtle

The list of color codes in the Raven Inn is not the complete list as seen on, say, the writing tool. Newer color codes (all of them starting after Q) aren't shown, which is misleading to anyone who doesn't know about the writing tool and only uses the Raven Inn as reference for what colors are avail... Expand 5 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 2021d16h ago by Returning Contestant Logan Turtle)

Petition ID 5064: Winning Rook Trader Email
Submitted Mon, 21 Jan 19 20:43:34 +0000 by Returning Contestant Logan Turtle

WHAT: the email sent out when you've won Rook Trader for that day has (1) a typo with the apostrophe (It says "You've won today\'s Rook Trader!" in the subject line) and (2) has references to LoGD ("You have received new mail on LoGD at http:///var/www/", "From: The Gree... Expand 417 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1500d17h ago by Admin CavemanJoe)

Petition ID 5086: Chrome stuck loading daily news.
Submitted Thu, 21 Feb 19 23:40:18 +0000 by General Raichu

Recently, I've noticed that when I attempt to use Chrome to play the game and I've logged in, if the news loads and it has more than a few items, it'll just... freeze half way. However, if I use another browser, Firefox as an example, it loads fine. I use the accessible navigation first skin on both... Expand 136 characters

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Petition ID 5090: Hidden room descriptions still appearing when viewing pages from a room
Submitted Thu, 28 Feb 19 15:49:30 +0000 by Fayte

I have two closets in the master bedroom. Both are set to keep the room description hidden when displaying the page from in a room. But clicking on either shows the room description before the page description anyway. Expand 39 characters

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Petition ID 5127: Jill's Combat Training Ending Link
Submitted Thu, 04 Jul 19 10:47:09 +0000 by Just a wolf, a mere Canis Lupus

What: A broken link title.
How: It seems to happen when finishing up this stage of her quest while traveling. (Random tile encounter, rather than jungle hunting)
When: 2:39 AM AKDT (or)
Game Time 15:10:0... Expand 333 characters

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Petition ID 5129: Unable to run from Dojo master
Submitted Mon, 08 Jul 19 17:54:16 +0000 by CloudySky

Since the June combat upgrade, the option to Run while fighting the Dojo master seems to have disappeared.
I realise this may have been intentional, but I'm a bit sad about losing the funny visuals of the dojo master taking damage from pratfalls and running into walls while my character pretty muc... Expand 27 characters

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Petition ID 5149: There are unchecked limitations for passwords
Submitted Sat, 31 Aug 19 11:57:16 +0000 by Rookie Ephaemera

I use a password manager to generate my passwords, and while II is accepting the passwords when I save them in "Preferences", when I try to log on with the same password I'm told my password isn't recognised.

I'm using long passwords of random-cased alphas, numerics, and symbols. What's the curre... Expand 66 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1791d21h ago by Rookie Ephaemera)

Petition ID 5155: FoeBot "Wait, how did that encounter begin?" link describes different monster
Submitted Tue, 10 Sep 19 15:36:10 +0000 by Rookie alaricsp

WHAT: If I click "Wait, how did that encounter begin?" after defeating a FoeBot, I get a description of a different monster:

You were beside yourself when you first saw the tracks. Could it be? You've been dreaming of this since you were a child! Day after day you came back, looking for more sign... Expand 1457 characters

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Petition ID 5174: Lacy Lingerie
Submitted Sat, 02 Nov 19 12:16:37 +0000 by CloudySky

WHAT: on newday, I see this in the list of buffs : Lacy Lingerie (round(/8) rounds left) ; and indeed, after only one turn fighting I get the message that the effects have stopped due to getting to sweaty. I have quite a lot of charm, according to the hall of fame, and Sheila claims that's what feed... Expand 286 characters

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Petition ID 5179: Looping doors
Submitted Fri, 22 Nov 19 19:13:31 +0000 by

About noon mountain time, I log into my place at 5,5 The Golden rose facility. I go to residential lobby, hit the elevator and I'm loading into temporary residence an guest hall. I back up to go to the gathering hall and get stuck back in the temp guest room hall. I teleport to a room above, no prob... Expand 54 characters

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Petition ID 5186: Outdated referral/gift links in Hunter's Lodge
Submitted Fri, 03 Jan 20 06:36:20 +0000 by Sylvi& wingedcatgirl

The "seems friends who don't play this game to buy me points" link at the bottom of is at least outdated enough that it's still using HTTP instead of HTTPS, and also it times out and seems to be entirel... Expand 296 characters

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Petition ID 5209: Reinforced Hawton Meter 'already has an artifact installed'
Submitted Thu, 05 Mar 20 22:05:46 +0000 by Storyseller Reon

What: When a new Reinforced Hawton meter is bought from eboys and activated, and a purified artifact is used to be added to it, it says an artifact is already installed.

How: Buy a reinforced hawton meter from eboy(NewHome and 404 tested) activate it in inventory, try to add purified artifact, yo... Expand 100 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 682d19h ago by Coffee Grindr Csodas)

Petition ID 5211: LOW PRIORITY: multi-fight french hen
Submitted Sat, 07 Mar 20 20:41:24 +0000 by Storyseller Reon

What: when someone kills the french hen on it's surprise action, all three hens die instead of one, but none of their hp bars clear.
How: Kill the french hen before choosing a combat option.
When: No idea how long it's persisted, but this is the third DK I've noticed it on.

Not a critical issue... Expand 186 characters

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Petition ID 5215: Players not being able to include apostrophies in their name
Submitted Mon, 23 Mar 20 01:26:23 +0000 by That damn Tanuki, AhZalea

Joe told me to put this up. The game doesn't let players have an apostrophe in their name. In my case, for instance, I'd have my name be Ah'Zalea.

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Petition ID 5224: selling hotkey problem
Submitted Thu, 02 Apr 20 02:18:08 +0000 by Transcendent Grand Lord Elevated Badass of the Gods squidly

in eboy selling the highlighted hotkey does not perform the desired function sometimes it is the "3" and "Y" that I noticed most often this problem started when you added the hawmeter and dice

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Petition ID 5232: SpiderKitty Buffs Drop
Submitted Sun, 26 Apr 20 20:18:03 +0000 by NFF's Self-Appointed Capo heliumsquid

What- ordering multiple drinks from Dan at the Spiderkitty at Improbable Central makes you lose the buff from the previous drink
How- Go to Dan and order any drink- Ale, Habanero, Mule Kick, etc. Then buy a second, different drink. The effects of the prior drink will disappear from the buff list
W... Expand 149 characters

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Petition ID 5239: No reward for killing Green Titan
Submitted Wed, 13 May 20 04:45:10 +0000 by Lieutenant Colonel This is a good name

I recently battled and landed the killing blow on a Green Titan that was on AceHigh. However I did not get the Titan rewards distraction or the req reward. Coffee Grindr Csodas, who had damaged the titan earlier did get their rewards from it.

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Petition ID 5249: Turquoise Spring Water,Warm Fuzzies, and Gargleblaster Blackout:
Submitted Mon, 01 Jun 20 00:23:34 +0000 by Igneous Jolly Bad Pirate

WHAT: The [Warm Fuzzies] buff, when applied with Cool Springs Cafe)'s Turquoise Water ( and the Gargleblaster, will not fade as long as the Gargleblaster Blackout buff, remains. (This may be... Expand 1846 characters

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Petition ID 5256: Hawton meters are being janky
Submitted Sat, 13 Jun 20 22:43:03 +0000 by Corporal Soricchan

the price of hawtons meters at eboys is acting up. they're switching between buy prices of 2 and 10 (3 and 11 in kittania), regardless of if i buy or sell in any quantity. this is happening in IC, kittania, and pleasantville (havent checked elsewhere), but i've only recently noticed it (i buy med-ki... Expand 366 characters

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Petition ID 5267: Not a Problem
Submitted Thu, 25 Jun 20 17:17:47 +0000 by Gamina

How hard would it be to allow a Sort order for a room's pages, the way it's currently implemented for doors?

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Petition ID 5269: Problem with DKing in New Outpost Preview
Submitted Sun, 28 Jun 20 14:55:34 +0000 by Lyssa

If you DK while an outpost is in preview mode, once you return after your DK you end up displaced on the outpost minimap and break the page. Here's how it looks:

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Petition ID 5271: Selling an extra piece of meat over the cap
Submitted Wed, 01 Jul 20 21:44:00 +0000 by Sylvi& wingedcatgirl

Selling "all" my meat at the cool springs cafe when I have over 100 pieces causes the shop to buy 100 and stop as intended, however the "sell one/all meat" buttons remain visible for one pageload, allowing me to sell a single ext... Expand 240 characters

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Petition ID 5273: Budget horse quest
Submitted Fri, 03 Jul 20 19:10:17 +0000 by Contender Iron Within

Don't know when, but 2 days ago I had Budget Horse. Yesterday I had the Son of Budget horse. Dunno how or why. Or the difference. No quest, lots of questions and its day 3 (real days) on this account. Don't know how to URL this. I'm new.

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Petition ID 5287: Newly Decorated Page doesn't appear in tthe list
Submitted Sat, 18 Jul 20 10:17:27 +0000 by Makiwa

WHAT: Adding an 'Add Page Access" to the logic grid, the last newly decorated page doesn't appear in the list of pages, so can't be selected.


WHEN: Sta... Expand 75 characters

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Petition ID 5290: Enquirer security certificate's fucked
Submitted Fri, 24 Jul 20 22:55:54 +0000 by Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme Full Metal Lion

Hey remember when you fucked up the security certificates or whatever? You never unfucked it for the enquirer. Now the css doesn't work and no one can log in any more.

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Petition ID 5293: Multiple fights with Monster Research Training
Submitted Thu, 30 Jul 20 01:44:58 +0000 by Bloody Ridiculous Showoff Katarina Walker

WHAT: When attacked by more than one monster at a time, the option to target specific areas sometimes appears, typically for the first in the group. However, the rest of the fight registers guarded and vulnerable hits, as well as Strong Attacks, despite using the Flail Indiscriminately option.
HOW:... Expand 230 characters

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Petition ID 5297: Gender confusion with Male Squat at brothel
Submitted Thu, 13 Aug 20 22:16:42 +0000 by The Shuffler Tarot

My character is male. When using the Brothel in Squat Hole and selecting a male, on occasion one will say this (among other things): "He says the time he shared just chatting with you was just as good as any other woman he has been with."

This particular text comes up rarely, and I assume randoml... Expand 74 characters

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Petition ID 5299: Bad Nav when trying to send cake
Submitted Mon, 24 Aug 20 00:45:09 +0000 by To the Moon! TaMar

What: Tried to send cake to myself.
How: I selected myself only.
Where: Cake Gifting Area
When: Just had this happened now.

Attempted redirect: "runmodule.php?module=rookdaycake&op=countup"
Sanitized attempted redirect: "runmodule.php?module=rookdaycake&op=countup"
Redirect re... Expand 9 characters

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Petition ID 5303: Left and right justification fomatting codes not working in preview.
Submitted Mon, 07 Sep 20 17:48:31 +0000 by Wave raver Eibhleann

The codes for justifying text left and right (`< and `> respectively) function correctly in place descriptions/bios, but the preview window constantly insists they're codes that cannot be used.

An example of this is a bio I was working on for a scrapped character, largely to play with the syste... Expand 305 characters

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Petition ID 5305: Ultrablack theme displays tan trees
Submitted Wed, 09 Sep 20 17:13:08 +0000 by Kamikaze KTwooth

The ultrablack theme sometimes displays tan trees in the BG. It's random, and it took me some messing around to make it do it again, but I got a screenshot (finally) in CC404's Common Ground today. How I did it: I decided to activate the ultrablack theme again (so I could read the Banter without hur... Expand 659 characters

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Petition ID 5308: Misleading chat notifications
Submitted Wed, 16 Sep 20 22:11:41 +0000 by Dramatist Octan

The chat notifiers that are supposed to inform you of new messages is ...questionable at times. As in, I get a ping of 6, look back at chat, and see that there's nothing new there. It's happened as soon as the feature was implemented and it's kind of getting on my nerves.
Sample URL here: https://w... Expand 65 characters

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Petition ID 5310: Overflow Arrow in Vital Info Box?
Submitted Sat, 19 Sep 20 13:21:10 +0000 by Gamina

Could we get a text overflow arrow in the Vital Info bix of the Heads Up Display (like the one in the Buffs Box)?

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Petition ID 5311: Discrepancy between requisition gained from interest and amount reported on new day screen
Submitted Wed, 23 Sep 20 20:55:25 +0000 by Eilonwy

WHAT: When I have 99,999 requisition in the bank, the new day screen reports (if the daily interest is 3%) that I've gained 2,999 requisition, but if I check the bank later in the day, I'll have 102,999 requisition, not 102,998 requisition.

HOW: Have a bank account with 99,999 requisition, wait f... Expand 146 characters

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Petition ID 5314:
Submitted Fri, 25 Sep 20 17:08:00 +0000 by Rookie Skorvius

Folowing the link for the source code to gets you: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' in /nfs/c01/h06/mnt/10927/domains/ on line 230

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Petition ID 5315: Naked Fighting bug
Submitted Tue, 29 Sep 20 18:59:59 +0000 by Sergeant Darx

What: Kittymorph Bonus: Naked Fighting not working correctly. The buff seems to be in flux of whether or not it works.
How: be kittymorph, lvl 8-10 be nude, fight stuff (even Easy Prey made the bonus fail)

Where: Jungle (any) Expand 105 characters

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Petition ID 5330: Cannot enter Gauntlet.
Submitted Sat, 24 Oct 20 11:20:16 +0000 by Aelita

Charm is high enough, and I have plenty of money, but I am always told to go away.

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Petition ID 5332: Colour Code issue with `r
Submitted Sun, 25 Oct 20 09:36:20 +0000 by Wave raver Eibhleann

Using the ``r colour code, followed by an r, either upper or lower case, causes the colour code to fail as if it's been escaped out, this doesn't seem to be the case with any other colours I've tested. Repro: Use ``r, followed by r or R, so far tested only in commentary channels

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Petition ID 5333: 10/1850 HP in between DKs
Submitted Wed, 28 Oct 20 23:44:38 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

This issue doesns't affect gameplay, as I have 1850/1850 HPs after NewDaying. But all pages "in between DKs" said I had 10/1850 HP. A fixed value of 10 instead of fetching the correct number.

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Petition ID 5334: Improbable Hitpoints Times Ten?
Submitted Sat, 31 Oct 20 20:58:39 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

Stonehenge just increased my maximum Hitpoints by 2. Shouldn't that be 20 after Projecttimesten?

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Petition ID 5336: Sleeping with a partner does not give buff or progress
Submitted Mon, 02 Nov 20 20:21:27 +0000 by Wild West Jara

What: When sleeping in a double bed with a partner I'm up to a 20% buff with, neither of us received our bonus stamina or progress on the buff.
How: Sleep in a bed with a partner.
Where: Double bed. Specifically, the Couch in the Den at 15, 11, haven't tried another bed yet. But that bed has worke... Expand 54 characters

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Petition ID 5337: Giant Tattoo Mutant
Submitted Mon, 16 Nov 20 22:49:11 +0000 by Tigress Kat Light

After defeating the Giant Tattoo Mutant, I clicked the link to view the description, and got the description for the "Flock of Primordial Chickens" according to Global Banter (don't know who gave the monster name)

I neglected to save the URL for the monster. Sorry.

You were beside yourself wh... Expand 1317 characters

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Petition ID 5338: Enchanted items at Sheila's
Submitted Wed, 18 Nov 20 19:43:21 +0000 by CloudySky

I feel like the item descriptions didn't use the word 'enchantements' before. I don't know when that changed.
It's not a problem as such, just a bit weird in a non-fantastic setting.

Where: any item at Sheila's granting or costing Stamina or Favour. eg Expand 51 characters

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Petition ID 5345: Improbable Event formatting error in CC404
Submitted Thu, 26 Nov 20 11:36:26 +0000 by Colonel Sash

The following formatting error happened when I entered Cyber City. The bump-into-a-lady Improbable Event triggered, and the green speech color bled to the next line. As seen on this here handy Imgur link:

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Petition ID 5346: Weird chat input error
Submitted Sun, 29 Nov 20 23:25:54 +0000 by Oh, Kew

Okay, so here is the chat line I was attempting to input: ": feeds the fire another twig, watching it turn to ash like a cigarette as she pushes it forward. "`5doteN.`&" Over her shoulder, she can hear the retraining personnel begin to enter the forest. "` evom dluohs ew sseug I`&"" Somethin... Expand 353 characters

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Petition ID 5357: Failboat heals for free
Submitted Sun, 20 Dec 20 10:26:29 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

WHAT: After every fight, no matter how little Adrenaline I have left, the watcher offers to heal me for 0 Favor.

HOW: Fight on the Failboat, I imagine.

WHERE: over multiple Failboat fights, so I don't imagine the URL will be very helpful.

WHEN: not sure; sometime in the last week, as I reme... Expand 50 characters

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Petition ID 5359: Crouching cipher, hidden insult
Submitted Tue, 29 Dec 20 19:16:38 +0000 by Colonel Bryn Tavel

WHAT: The word Midget or Midgit shows up occasionally in canon game text. I think I've seen it twice now and thought "that's odd" but didn't register it as My Problem. One was in a Stern cipher*. I don't remember where the other was (but if I see it again will send another - a more specific and time... Expand 470 characters

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Petition ID 5360: Drive didn't get X10 HP?
Submitted Sat, 02 Jan 21 01:39:45 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

I managed to beat the Drive in one hit this DK. I had a lot of buffs and got a timed hit in... and the Drive didn't have NEARLY enough HP, only a little under 500. My guess is that it didn't get timestenned. To replicate... probably just fight the Drive? I didn't get a link, but here's an imgur link... Expand 44 characters

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Petition ID 5363: Shady Salesman perma HP - bug or liar?
Submitted Sun, 10 Jan 21 19:27:05 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

The Shady Salesman's potion gave me 10 permanent extra HP today. At least that's what the game's confirmation line said. What it did was overheal me by 10 HP - not at all permanent. The Salesman could be lying, but I think the game should be straightforward in its explanation. Bug or Liar?

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Petition ID 5366: Cryptic Questions healing buff times ten
Submitted Mon, 18 Jan 21 22:24:38 +0000 by Lieutenant Colonel This is a good name

I correctly answered a Cryptic Questions Joker question, and got the "Cryptic Questions Joker Needle" buff but each round it says it heals me for 5 points. Shouldn't this be 50 after Projecttimesten?

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Petition ID 5367: J0ker's Broth awards correct HP but has wrong flavor text
Submitted Tue, 19 Jan 21 02:08:10 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: Exactly what it says on the tin. I took some broth from the Broth Joker, and it gave me 10 HP. The text I read, however, still said 1 HP.
HOW: Take HP-awarding broth from the Broth Joker.
WHEN: Just today, though I'd wa... Expand 26 characters

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Petition ID 5377: Banter broken, rollover bits in chat
Submitted Tue, 09 Feb 21 22:25:13 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

My rollover broke banter today. (Char Chat only, Story and Player Chat were fine.)

The problem is apparently caused by using a Deluxe Custom Armour Kit in combination with The Watcher's Swimsuit.

The Watcher's Swimsuit is the only MM to use color. My guess is that the DCAK and the TWS between ... Expand 198 characters

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Petition ID 5380: reserved gym stats and SMILE drops not working as intended
Submitted Thu, 18 Feb 21 15:17:41 +0000 by Someone had better buy a custom title for Clauss Kaizer

There is a problem, at least with my account that is readily apparent, in which using SMILE drops outside of battle does not increase max hitpoints, meanwhile, I cannot use tynan's gym, telling me that I do not have enough hitpoints to train, even though my max hp is currently at 5000 at lvl 14. I h... Expand 144 characters

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Petition ID 5384: Incorrect Overweight Backpack Debuff
Submitted Fri, 19 Feb 21 21:26:19 +0000 by Storykeeper Baku

WHAT: The total weight of my backpack remains at zero no matter what items I have inside. This has led to an overweight backpack debuff despite the weight of the objects not exceeding the backpack's maximum weight.

WHERE: The issue can be seen when viewing my inventory. The actions affected by t... Expand 330 characters

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Petition ID 5394: Using a land stake on a space with all place slots full makes the stake disappear with no text.
Submitted Fri, 05 Mar 21 02:49:50 +0000 by The Dark Being Ebenus

What: using a land claim stake on a full space makes it disappear with no text. How: Use a land claim stake on a space with all 6 slots already occupied. Where: (forgot to copy the url, but using the land claim stake from inventory. ) When: unknown.

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1240d06h ago by The Dark Being Ebenus)

Petition ID 5399: Gifting a lot of items produces many messages to the recipients and can crash them.
Submitted Mon, 08 Mar 21 20:57:18 +0000 by The Dark Being Ebenus

Gifting more than 1 item sends 1 message per gift and in high quantities can crash the recipient. HOW: send more than 4,000 gifts. WHERE: see TaMar.

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Petition ID 5403: CSS in exported commentary has wrong colour names
Submitted Fri, 12 Mar 21 10:03:05 +0000 by Miriamele

WHAT: I exported the commentary for three story channels from the Jardin Surleau at W5 as HTML using the "Timeless" option, and the resulting HTML files had incorrect CSS for at least 'colBlueViolet,' but probably others. The style section defined the colour as 'colblueviolet,' but in the chat text ... Expand 350 characters

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Petition ID 5407: Midnight Black Seems to Crash My Phone's Browser
Submitted Mon, 22 Mar 21 20:24:26 +0000 by Year of the Torvus

I am using a samsung galaxy, chrome as my browser. At 4am, if I refresh II to show the midnight black screen, my phone will tell me that Chrome has stopped responding. I either have to not refresh II, or close II before it loads, if my browser was closed and reopened.

This has happened since DST ... Expand 11 characters

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Petition ID 5409: Game is zoomed in on Chrome
Submitted Wed, 24 Mar 21 12:58:22 +0000 by Kol Faoiltiarna

What: When I'm at the default zoom, the game is so large that less than half my username shows up in the login screen and once I'm logged in the navigation bar can only fit one or two words per line. I fixed it by zooming out to 67%.

How: No idea. It was normal when I closed my browser last night... Expand 259 characters

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Petition ID 5414: Missing stat bars in KnS.
Submitted Fri, 02 Apr 21 02:13:12 +0000 by Hairy Mary

As the title says. Go into Kebabs'n' Shite in Squat Hole and you'll notice that the stat bars for the various foods are all blank.

I've no idea when this started, I haven't been into KnS in ages.

I've just checked, and you get the same thing in Mutated Munchies in P.Ville and Cool Springs i... Expand 7 characters

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Petition ID 5415: Page doesn't update on memory change
Submitted Fri, 02 Apr 21 06:15:43 +0000 by Catkin Svedka

Re-petitioning on CMJ's request. Apparently the fix was unfixed at some point.

Pages containing "increment memory" does no longer update when it's triggered, I have to use a work-around to force the page to update to show the new memory content with [m_(number]. Expand 369 characters

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Petition ID 5417: Can we please open lots of crates at once?
Submitted Wed, 07 Apr 21 17:40:34 +0000 by Hellion Zefrieus

Sometimes I find oodles of crates on a square, like 25 of them. Whee, lucky me! But it's a pain to open them each individually. Can we have a button for opening the crates all at once? (I'm looking at my inventory in Visual mode, if that helps.) Love the game. Thank you!

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 722d06h ago by Hellion Zefrieus)

Petition ID 5418: Infinity loop Special Comments
Submitted Wed, 07 Apr 21 17:53:29 +0000 by Cheshire Insomnia_Shinsou

I bought 5 quills for special commands but everything i use one it always says I have four left. Then when i look at help it says i have five left. I know i have already used my 5 Special Comments but its still letting me make them creating a Infinite amount of them for me to use.

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Petition ID 5425: Colour changes for normal chatting, and how they've accidentally stuffed up...
Submitted Tue, 27 Apr 21 15:07:35 +0000 by Fixed Mike Sands

My current issue (Which only seems to be me right now) seems to be that whenever I try to type into chat "/chatcol G" and either click on Speak or just simply press enter,
it doesn't change my current colour (I've currently been using `l beforehand, and the text kept showing up as this blue in... Expand 297 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 1121d20h ago by Mythamber)

Petition ID 5446: EXP bar appears blue before enough exp has been reached
Submitted Mon, 02 Aug 21 11:37:08 +0000 by Silcatra

What: The experience bar is appearing blue when you don't have sufficient experience to level up.
How: Get to almost enough exp to level up, then check your bar.
Where: In the game code, I would suppose.
When: Since some time in July.

Image: Expand 36 characters

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Petition ID 5447: Midnight Black Seems to Crash My Phone's Browser
Submitted Tue, 03 Aug 21 09:39:36 +0000 by Year of the Torvus

WHAT: During midnight black/long midnight, if II refreshes to show the midnight screen, it causes my cell phone's browser to crash. At least one other player has had this issue, as well.

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Petition ID 5449: Global Lag
Submitted Thu, 05 Aug 21 17:53:30 +0000 by Wandering WolphStrykes

This may be a problem local to me, but submitting just in case.
Running into a very intermittent issue where Global Banter seems to be lagging or timing out prior to the 10 minute timeout. I'll notice that either the timers next to names have stopped counting, or how there seems to be a sudden lul... Expand 777 characters

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Petition ID 5450: A Programming Request
Submitted Fri, 06 Aug 21 00:57:53 +0000 by Gamina

We currently have a `iStop All Programs`i contraption. How about a contraption that temporarily stops only specified programs, leaving others running?

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Petition ID 5462: Conflict with Fonts and Color Coding
Submitted Sun, 19 Sep 21 21:38:59 +0000 by Wandering WolphStrykes

There appears to be a... rendering? ... issue with color coding after the lowercase f in certain fonts.
For instance, you can type flaring and in some fonts, the fl will both appear red, then the a yellow, then the ring green. In other fonts, it will correctly show the la b... Expand 376 characters

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Petition ID 5466: Newday maintenance pruned entirety of Character Chat
Submitted Tue, 28 Sep 21 04:12:03 +0000 by SharkAttack Szara Kryik

During the Newday which just occurred at 0400 server time, the entirety of Character Chat was pruned (not Player Chat, haven't seen a Story chat affected) up to and including posts made immediately before the Newday. My only guess is that the chat pruning bugged out due to having had such a large ba... Expand 74 characters

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Petition ID 5491: Typo for KO message when using they/them pronouns
Submitted Mon, 13 Dec 21 07:09:32 +0000 by Rookie Moeira

After having been defeated in combat, the section News since the last new Game Day of the news page displays the text “poking they repeatedly in the cheek” rather than “poking [them] repeatedly in the cheek”. I had been fighting a “mouldywarp”. Expand 12 characters

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Petition ID 5495: External Decoration `b `c `i not working.
Submitted Wed, 12 Jan 22 04:29:38 +0000 by Bubbler Tobias

What? When attempting to set up the external decoration of Curios, Concoctions, and Complements, when using `i`c or `b would cause the decoration to look as if it would work in the preview, only for the effects (italics/centering/bolding) to disappear once the job had been completed.

How? We ... Expand 469 characters

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Petition ID 5503: Whoomphs & Running from fights
Submitted Mon, 14 Feb 22 00:33:18 +0000 by a ghost of shadows

I noticed this while fighting a Titan, but it appears to work for any monsters encountered on the map during travel. Basically, the Whoomph damage status transfers between fights as long as the target wasn't killed (running away from the fight). I ran circles around IC for a bit and got into se... Expand 1057 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 810d08h ago by Major Badass Alexander Quandle)

Petition ID 5516: Apostrophes in clan title incorrectly restricted
Submitted Thu, 24 Mar 22 23:18:57 +0000 by Sylvi& wingedcatgirl

What: Attempting to create a clan named "Killin' In The Yeighties" was rejected: "Julia looks over your form but informs you that your clan name must consist only of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or dashes." However, as you can see, the clan name does contain only those things. We tried again wi... Expand 496 characters

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Petition ID 5517: Can't log out from travel page anymore?
Submitted Fri, 01 Apr 22 23:01:29 +0000 by Jester

Ever since the map and travel revamp, the "Set up a tent" option for logging out whilst outside of an outpost has disappeared. If a player is anywhere outside of an outpost and wants to log out, they have to break into a place and steal a bed. Not sure if this was an intentional choice, so I figured... Expand 15 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 482d07h ago by morgan bartmoss)

Petition ID 5523: "Module oldman is not active, but was attempted to be injected"
Submitted Thu, 05 May 22 00:17:29 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

WHAT: hunted for regular trouble in the New Pitt Jungle.
HOW: I guess have the RNG try to inject the module oldman?
WHEN: just now

"Module oldman is not active, but was attempted to be injected." is the monst... Expand 30 characters

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Petition ID 5533: Hawton Meter Artifacts Stay Active On Failboat
Submitted Wed, 22 Jun 22 14:31:58 +0000 by Sergeant Banshee Protocol

On the failboat, all of your gear is supposed to be taken away and inaccessable to you- but if you have an active hawton meter with a manufactured artifact installed, and the observation window on your artifact was open when you were defeated and sent to the boat, it will act as though it is still e... Expand 321 characters

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Petition ID 5535: Blank monster list area at Monster Research Lab
Submitted Mon, 27 Jun 22 04:34:18 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: Between the level 13 monsters and the level 1 monsters at the Monster Research Lab, there's a list called "Level creatures" that is full of blank spaces.

HOW: Go to the Monster Research Lab and scroll down. If that doesn't work, try claiming a reward and then look again.

WHERE: https://w... Expand 244 characters

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Petition ID 5538: Blue XP visual bug when XP is less than required amount to level up
Submitted Sat, 02 Jul 22 22:28:03 +0000 by Indigo Whisperer Till

What: My XP bar is blue, but I don't have enough XP to level up. I learned this by accident in Joe's Dojo How: I leveled up and my XP bar returned to the normal colors Where: When: Haven't seen this problem before and didn't see any post on it already.

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Petition ID 5549: Making Page Contents Collapsible in Job Creation
Submitted Fri, 15 Jul 22 14:59:54 +0000 by Gamina

This is more of a request for a change than a report of a problem.

In Master Settings (and other places) the list of rooms and pages is collapsible, initially presenting just the names or titles, then the text can be revealed by tapping on the name. This makes it easy to scroll through.

Might ... Expand 127 characters

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Petition ID 5551: Flawless fights and Req award?
Submitted Wed, 20 Jul 22 20:53:05 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

WHAT: I swear that you used to get a req boost for beating the Drive with a Flawless Fight -- maybe 300 Req for normal, and 540 for flawless? The last couple DKs I've done, though, with some combinations of the following setup:

-Invisisuit or Force Generator Mk II or Invisisuit
-... Expand 575 characters

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Petition ID 5552: World Map displays
Submitted Fri, 22 Jul 22 19:58:33 +0000 by Keep low and Hyde

While I was running around and looking around on the map, I brought up the world map to look around for places to make sure I was heading for the right place in the direction I was going. While doing so, I clicked on the world map and brought it up, and going to check the square I was on, it kept sh... Expand 247 characters

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Petition ID 5557: Stonehenge gave 1 permanent HP instead of 10
Submitted Thu, 28 Jul 22 00:47:56 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: Stonehenge appears to have escaped the TimesTen, gave me only 1 permanent HP. HOW: encounter Stonehenge and get the appropriate result. WHERE: WHEN: ran into it today, probably dates back to TimesTen

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Petition ID 5558: Temporary loss of HP to the Broth Joker is, in fact, permanent.
Submitted Fri, 29 Jul 22 21:28:47 +0000 by Mythamber

WHAT: The Broth Joker, when taking away "temporarily" (i.e. until you DK) 10 HP from you, will actually permanently take the 10 HP. This does not seem to apply if you have a temporary, as it takes those first, but after that, it goes after your permanent HP.

HOW: Go out in the Jungle, encounter t... Expand 759 characters

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Petition ID 5565: Hundred-Point Rally didn't end when the first player hit all points
Submitted Mon, 15 Aug 22 19:39:19 +0000 by Grand Master Badass of Most Awesome Destruction Tanbark

WHAT: I joined the Hundred-Point Rally second after Captain Piston Baroque. They hit all points first, but I could still hit the points I had left and eventually got the message I won.
HOW: Start a Rally with more than one player. Don't know if it had anything to do with any particular places.
WHE... Expand 445 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 513d14h ago by Semi-Professional Tutor Annabelle Keys)

Petition ID 5573: No logout option on map squares
Submitted Fri, 30 Sep 22 21:12:46 +0000 by Princess of Blood WindRapier

What: on map squares there used to be an option to set up camp. There no longer is the option. There's never been the option on outpost squares, but there's no option on any square

- travel on the map
- go to a non outpost square (because it's never been an option for outpost squares)
- ... Expand 357 characters

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Petition ID 5578: Error 500 when attempting to switch targets in multi-opponent combat
Submitted Fri, 14 Oct 22 14:00:45 +0000 by Returning Contestant Ieganus

Just yesterday I started getting Server 500 errors when engaged in multi-opponent combat.

I first noticed the issue attempting to fight a pack of ghost wolves, which is the first multi-combat I've had in a few days. I attempted to switch to the bottom wolf in the stack, but every time I do, I g... Expand 338 characters

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Petition ID 5580: Whitescreen in multi-enemy fight
Submitted Wed, 19 Oct 22 16:37:15 +0000 by Blinded Me With Rykar

While fighting the Hollow Chocolate Bunnies, I downed one, and the next was selected. However, since the targeted attacks display did not show, I targeted the other one manually to cause it to come up (as has worked in the past).

When I clicked the link to target an enemy, combat seems to happen,... Expand 366 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 643d05h ago by Citizen ToasterLightning)

Petition ID 5582: Cigs down below displaying oddly
Submitted Sat, 29 Oct 22 16:35:57 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

WHAT: When one of the items dropped is a cigarette, the text to the right of the maze (on desktop) spits out an "a href" link rather than simply saying "you see a cigarette!" Picking it up works fine, so it seems to be a display issue.

HOW: Move around Down Below until you see an item that turns ... Expand 115 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 518d58s ago by Blinded Me With Rykar)

Petition ID 5591: Improbable Island page doesn't work when switching monsters
Submitted Wed, 04 Jan 23 06:04:21 +0000 by Ruff around the Edges Sidney Pernell

For whatever reason, whenever I end up fighting multiple monsters and try to switch my focus to another one, it ends up sending me to a error page saying that the island isn't responding. I tried it with both clicking and using the keyboard, but it always ends up happening. It's not a badnav, as the... Expand 651 characters

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Petition ID 5597: Map of level four down under went crazy broken
Submitted Fri, 03 Feb 23 05:39:42 +0000 by Corporal Colonel Sanders

The problem occurred roughly after 6:00 pm CST 2/2, today.

I was running from New Home and going down under using the powerups from
drinks available from each outpost. Mostly for the experience poi... Expand 1197 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 540d03h ago by SharkAttack Szara Kryik)

Petition ID 5601: Incorrect Place Code Affecting Global Banter
Submitted Fri, 10 Feb 23 21:07:08 +0000 by Willow Wisp

E,16 A Giant-Ass Pillow Fort apparently has an unclosed italics tag on a
page in the first room, The Proving Grounds that affects Global Banter. When I clicked on the page "The Pillow dummy", my Global Banter view was immediately italicized. I thought it was just me until I posted in Global Bante... Expand 663 characters

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Petition ID 5613: Clan Hall Online Members link goes to blank page
Submitted Thu, 30 Mar 23 14:57:41 +0000 by Pervy Kitten Fancier Epsilon

Pretty much as mentioned in the title - click "Online Members" in the clan hall, get a blank page.

For me, it led here:

I saw a previous issue with the member list where someone noted that they were the only one online at the time... Expand 166 characters

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Petition ID 5616: Random transport?
Submitted Tue, 04 Apr 23 20:08:00 +0000 by Returning Contestant SakuraYasha

Right after a new day at 1:05 in California, I went into an eboys trading station in Kittania and exited into Pleasantville. The eboy had the link that said Pleasantville.

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Petition ID 5619: TimeOut Notice triggered by inactivity in either chat.
Submitted Fri, 07 Apr 23 18:11:37 +0000 by Gamina

The problem: Both Story and Banter are displayed. Banter is active but Story is paused. Inactivity in the Story channel causes a TimeOut in both channels. The new TimeOut Notice is pretty conspicuous UNLESS one is on a touchscreen, in which case the Notice is hidden behind the keyboard. To the u... Expand 332 characters

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Petition ID 5620: Special Comments not displaying amount remaining
Submitted Sun, 09 Apr 23 14:08:11 +0000 by High Stakes Roller Meepo

What: After using a special comment, it's supposed to display the number of special comments you have left. However, after I used 2 specials in Squat Hole, no such notification displayed. I asked in banter and was told it normally is supposed to show and that you can also check by clicking Chat Help... Expand 142 characters

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Petition ID 5622: Clan Halls PHP Warning error?
Submitted Fri, 14 Apr 23 18:54:57 +0000 by Gentleman with a Cane, Sheogorath

WHAT & HOW When going to Clan's Waiting Area in the Clan Halls, a text error pops up that says PHP Warning "Illegal Offset Type."


WHEN I just now noticed it today, Apr 14, 2023. Not sure if it has ... Expand 147 characters

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Petition ID 5623: Hard-to-notice Timeout Notification
Submitted Mon, 17 Apr 23 17:10:05 +0000 by Blinded Me With Rykar

In general, since the page auto-scrolls exactly down to the chat/story input box, a user will be unlikely to scroll BELOW that point in the page.

Which is where the timeout notification appears. Everything's completely functional and lovely, it's just that I've had quite a few moments right now ... Expand 285 characters

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Petition ID 5625: Both chats time out regardless of activity
Submitted Sun, 23 Apr 23 00:07:08 +0000 by Kamikaze KTwooth

What: Both chats time out regardless of activity. Takes about ten-twenty-odd minutes; it's not consistent but generally between ten and twenty minutes.
How: It just happens. I'll be chatting along and then I get the red Chat Timed Out banner.
Where: In-Character Story and Out-Of-Character Banter
... Expand 190 characters

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Petition ID 5626: Why does chat want to dox me?
Submitted Sun, 23 Apr 23 02:07:56 +0000 by Kol Faoiltiarna

What: On Android Mobile, using chat brings up the security box to quickly copy over your password or credit card information. The OS is OxygenOS 13.0 if it matters.

How: Use any chat. Write a subject in a distraction. Go to character customization and try to add an external link, cred... Expand 1414 characters

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Petition ID 5627: Status Bar Offline when Not Offline
Submitted Tue, 02 May 23 16:25:13 +0000 by Wandering WolphStrykes

A number of us are noticing that the chat status is showing the four-dotted offline status when we are in fact very present and active. I've noticed it popping someone as offline right after they post something in Global Banter (including myself). Kol commented that he was registered as offline for ... Expand 270 characters

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Petition ID 5633: Minor Display Issue?
Submitted Sun, 28 May 23 03:37:37 +0000 by Wandering WolphStrykes

The right margin feature in Display Options appears to automatically disable on the inventory screen. A minor inconvenience, meaning one needs to scroll over to see the use/discard options for items.

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Petition ID 5634: Completely trapped Down Below
Submitted Sat, 03 Jun 23 22:05:12 +0000 by MrHyde (No Relation) Mr Bishop

So I'm trapped Down Below. The map is gone, and there are no options for moving the character, using any items or chronospheres. this image shows what the screen looks like and the options that are available. "Wait"ing does nothing.
I am not entirely sur... Expand 410 characters

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Petition ID 5636: Down Below: Walls shift, explored area doesn't reset.
Submitted Tue, 13 Jun 23 22:44:24 +0000 by Hallowinged Widdershins

A screenshot of DB lvl 34. The walls have shifted, but the area I explored last night still seems to be superimposed on the new map of the walls.

Most of the time, Down Below levels change just fine. This half-assed change happens every now and then, and has occured... Expand 61 characters

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Petition ID 5638: New "equip item to bandolier" text is janky when exactly 0 free space is left.
Submitted Tue, 20 Jun 23 02:10:34 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: If you equip your bandolier to the exact maximum weight limit, the text says you have "0kg" of free space (instead of "it's full" or something).
HOW: Equip items to your bandolier that add up to the exact weight limit (Monster Repellent Spray is convenient because it's 0.5 kg).
WHERE: https:... Expand 197 characters

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Petition ID 5639: Inventory doesn't correctly update when opening Supply Crate
Submitted Tue, 20 Jun 23 02:20:56 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: items obtained when opening a Supply Crate aren't shown in inventory until next page reload. This applies both to incrementing existing items and adding new ones. The items will be correctly listed in the use text, and the carry weight will correctly update, but you won't see the new items in ... Expand 318 characters

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Petition ID 5640: "Rate a monster" activates after fighting in the Dojo
Submitted Tue, 20 Jun 23 07:43:53 +0000 by Lucet Nelle

WHAT: After fighting your master in the Dojo, the "Rate a monster" link in the Jungle activates. Clicking on it will take you to the rating page, which will have no info (monster name, description, etc) filled out. I don't know if you can submit a rating, I haven't tried.
HOW: After fighting your m... Expand 316 characters

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Petition ID 5651: Where are my rabbits?
Submitted Wed, 28 Jun 23 05:00:53 +0000 by Kamikaze KTwooth

What: Had two rabbits and got the normal notification on the NewDay screen. Went to inventory: One rabbit that turned out to be a boy. Opened two more gifts for two more rabbits; they never showed up on my inventory screen. Just triggered a manual newday with a chrono and still only three are displa... Expand 156 characters

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Petition ID 5681: Tynan’s Gym Disappeared
Submitted Mon, 02 Oct 23 02:54:02 +0000 by Storykeeper Baku

WHAT: I can't find Tynan’s Gym in Squat Hole anymore. I checked on both my main account and my alt, and it has simply vanished from the nav bar.

HOW: Go to Squat Hole

WHERE: Squat Hole

WHEN: Around a week ago. I remember seeing Tynan's Gym right after the server migration (though it was mal... Expand 110 characters

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Petition ID 5695: Hall of Fame weirdness
Submitted Sun, 15 Oct 23 18:39:19 +0000 by Coffee Grindr Csodas

Forwarding this from Tased and Tamar, who first noticed the problem.

Some players (including at least one non-mod) seem to have vanished from the Hall of Fame. (Except... when I, Csodas, looked at the Underground Travel HoF ranking, as mentioned, I see myself in #2, whereas Tased looks at it and ... Expand 865 characters

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Petition ID 5696: Rally Ending double notification
Submitted Mon, 16 Oct 23 03:04:05 +0000 by Blinded Me With Rykar

The game sends the same distraction twice at the end of the Rally, at least it did when I won. `~"This is just a quick message to let you know that the Hundred-Point Rally has been won!"`& Tiny little bug.

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 108d08h ago by Mythamber)

Petition ID 5698: Chat preferences reset periodically.
Submitted Tue, 17 Oct 23 14:10:22 +0000 by To the Moon! TaMar

Every now and then I notice that when on mobile my chat options for autofill and autocorrect defaults to off. I set it back to on and it's fine for awhile than one day it goes back to off.

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Petition ID 5700: Feature request: 100 rounds option for Green titans
Submitted Thu, 19 Oct 23 15:58:08 +0000 by Princess of Blood WindRapier

Green titans are designed to be a group effort and just a lot of attacks. But they get so boring even with a group that people avoid them because it's just too much time. I'd like the ability to click to do more than 10 indiscriminate flailing at a time. Ideally 100 at a time. You can still watch yo... Expand 494 characters

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Petition ID 5702: Item suggestion - flippers
Submitted Sat, 21 Oct 23 02:05:52 +0000 by Princess of Blood WindRapier

A lot of boots from Sheila's help with travel or stamina. It would be funny and appropriate to have flippers, to decrease stamina costs in water. Maybe a debuff for other travel, but since boots cost cigs and it's more an opportunity cost of that you don't get a different buff, there doesn't need to... Expand 158 characters

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Petition ID 5703: Buff countdown when fighting multiple monsters
Submitted Tue, 24 Oct 23 21:15:09 +0000 by Blind Lemon Barley

The normal countdown of remaining rounds for most buffs (including grenades, adrenaline, and devastator bullets) doesn't happen consistently when you are fighting a multiple monster. For example, if I lob a Zap grenade good for five rounds at the first of an Army of Hippopotami, it might still be a... Expand 229 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 275d02h ago by Blind Lemon Barley)

Petition ID 5704: Titans not gaining hp when killing them swiftly to increase spawn rates
Submitted Sat, 28 Oct 23 14:37:23 +0000 by To the Moon! TaMar

I've been hunting down Titans and killed dozens of them at the edge of the map but the green one's have been around 2 million hp and others around 1 million.

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Petition ID 5709: Titan Payout Not Working
Submitted Fri, 03 Nov 23 07:09:09 +0000 by Year of the Torvus

WHAT: If you kill a titan in the first round, you don't get paid for the damage dealt. I killed two, which had no damage dealt to them, and only received the 1000 req bonus payout, and got nothing for the rest of the damage dealt.

HOW: Have high enough buffs to kill a titan in one round... Expand 92 characters

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Petition ID 5711: Monsters rejuvenating on kill shot
Submitted Tue, 07 Nov 23 06:58:58 +0000 by Dinkenfunkle

Hey. When traveling, and encounter random monster.

Normal fight progress ... whittle down monster's hit points ... then on what should be the killing blow ... monster has full hit points again. (Not a group monster thing, just ... points back to full).

Just did a revisit ... problem is intermi... Expand 293 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 261d23h ago by Dinkenfunkle)

Petition ID 5718: Not Working
Submitted Sat, 25 Nov 23 21:58:37 +0000 by Lady High Badass Jaodaria

WHAT: The marking for the weapon name to show is no longer working in external decoration for my Place.

HOW: I updated the writing on my Place's external decoration and it wiped out the weapon code. I re-entered it several times according to the guide and it just automatically removes it and leav... Expand 341 characters

Chat about this Petition (Last Comment 244d11h ago by Lady High Badass Jaodaria)

Petition ID 5719: Rally only gives 3 cigs, not entrance fee plus jackpot
Submitted Thu, 30 Nov 23 02:49:05 +0000 by Princess of Blood WindRapier

There's still the rally issue of it giving out the prize twice and that's a different petition. But I haven't done the rally for a few weeks and today when I did it it said jackpot of 23 when I was signed up but it only gave me three (twice, so 6 total, but again the double is separate, it used to b... Expand 380 characters

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Petition ID 5721: Text Edits Needed in the Mercenary Camp
Submitted Sat, 02 Dec 23 15:10:09 +0000 by John Keel

Not high on the priorities list, I know, but there are numerous places in the Mercenary Camp text where the beginnings of sentences are jammed against the previous sentences' periods without intervening spaces.

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Petition ID 5724: Player Links from Clan Membership List don't provide a way to get back...
Submitted Wed, 20 Dec 23 23:10:08 +0000 by Gamina

Player Links from the Clan Membership List don't provide a way to get back... other than by, you know, using the browser Back button, which is a general no-no elsewhere on the Island. (Not a high priority item, I know.)

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Petition ID 5725: Master Defeats use generic monster defeat text in News
Submitted Sat, 23 Dec 23 16:12:21 +0000 by Bloody Ridiculous Showoff Katarina Walker

This is not a major problem, but I've noticed that in the Daily News getting defeated by your master results in text as though you'd been defeated in the Jungle. For example:

Candy Raver Eibhleann Scalewatch has challenged their master, Tom Carney and lost!
Several cameras zoom in on Candy Raver... Expand 296 characters

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Petition ID 5727: Cadfael's Furniture refers to Cobblestones to fuel Teleport Beacons
Submitted Sat, 23 Dec 23 16:27:06 +0000 by Bloody Ridiculous Showoff Katarina Walker

What: Unless I'm horribly mistaken, Cobblestones are not currently a way to fuel Teleport Beacons, but Cadfael's Furniture still has a reference for this.
How: View the Cadfael's Furniture Page.
Where: Cadfael's Furniture. Expand 81 characters

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Petition ID 5729: Failboat defeats get jungle quotes
Submitted Tue, 26 Dec 23 15:12:01 +0000 by Rookie Narrator

What: When defeated on the Failboat, you get jungle defeat quotes, some of which make no sense or allude to being brought to the failboat.
How: Get defeated in the jungle. Then get defeated on the failboat and check the news.
Where: Daily News.
... Expand 28 characters

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Petition ID 5732: Fighting Foebots break Hawton meter
Submitted Sat, 30 Dec 23 13:33:28 +0000 by CloudySky

After fighting a Foebot, the 'Game State' indicators for amH and meter HP aren't shown anymore. Only buying a new Hawton meter and activating it (because you can't reactivate an activated one) makes them appear again.
You also cannot use the Hawton meter in combat against normal monsters when this ... Expand 37 characters

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Petition ID 5733: Examining weapons and armor show no stat differences
Submitted Sun, 31 Dec 23 06:38:36 +0000 by Exquisitely Artistic Liena

I noticed on my samsung android when I go to examine new weapons or armor in Sheila's Shack O' Shiney, that my stats don't change. It doesn't show how the examined item will change my stats in my attack or defense. I have have been informed from other computer users that this shouldn't be the case.
... Expand 260 characters

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Petition ID 5735: Hall o' Fame "Fastest DKs" Page Borked
Submitted Thu, 04 Jan 24 03:26:31 +0000 by Deadbeat Haas

The Hall of Fame currently shows a lot more people have completed a 0-day Drive Kill than they actually have. While I can't confirm which accounts have done so legitimately, I *can* confirm it took me at least 4 real-world days to DK on both Haas and Clarissa Dunst.

https://www.improbableisland.c... Expand 56 characters

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Petition ID 5738: SA-LS-SPS-4 Combat Armour Does Not Heal Any Damage
Submitted Tue, 09 Jan 24 17:59:01 +0000 by SmilingAudibly

The SA-LS-SPS-4 Combat Armour (and all of them that I've tried no matter the number of the armor) don't heal any damage when fighting.

It says, "Your lifesupport systems heal you for {damage} damage!"

Here's the link where I saw the message - Expand 322 characters

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Petition ID 5746: Corporal Punishment messages rookies slightly out of order
Submitted Sun, 28 Jan 24 12:56:07 +0000 by Major Clarissa Dunst

Corporal Punishment seems to be sending some Rookies the "A MOMENT of your TIME if you PLEASE." message as soon as they hit the level requirement, but regardless of if they've finished fetching exhibits for Mr. Stern. This means Punishment can hand them a letter they cannot actually deliver, with no... Expand 628 characters

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Petition ID 5753: Option to remove fighting styles.
Submitted Mon, 29 Jan 24 18:15:28 +0000 by Inias

Not exactly a "problem", more of a suggestion. I've seen people complain about timed fighting before, and know that puzzle combat can be strange sometimes. And perhaps having too many fighting styles would clutter the attacking menu.

Perhaps add a guy in say, Newhome, who can remove fighting sty... Expand 135 characters

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