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Petition ID 3636: New Outpost Preview - Links
Submitted Thu, 03 Mar 16 00:13:36 +0000
When using the Dimensional Shifter:
- Reinforcing the Defenses is no where to be found. (At first I thought "Defend the Perimeter" was Reinforcing and Jungling was not accessible.)
- One can't Quit to field.
- One can't Have a smoke.
- One has no access to "Daily News."
- One has no access to "List Contestants."
- One has no access to "Preferences."
- One has no access to the "New Day Menu."
- One has no access to "Location Four."
- And, finally, one has no access to Robot Overclocking.
(I apologize for fitting so many in to one petition. However, I felt that all these were similar enough that they could be and separated would just be clutter.)
(I also realize these are all most likely known, but I felt there should at least exist a visible list.)
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