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Petition ID 5249: Turquoise Spring Water,Warm Fuzzies, and Gargleblaster Blackout:
Submitted Mon, 01 Jun 20 00:23:34 +0000
WHAT: The [Warm Fuzzies] buff, when applied with Cool Springs Cafe)'s Turquoise Water (
and the Gargleblaster, will not fade as long as the Gargleblaster Blackout buff, remains. (This
may be true of other buffs, but for certain is not of the plasma pistol; perhaps something to do with Admin tools, since advernturing to find buffs and test them one by one, will by
far outlast the 5 rounds Warm Fuzzies
should last for.)
HOW: Mostly explained in what, "Warm Fuzzies" from Crazy Audrey ( and the Gargleblaster Blackout ( both applied in combat.
WHERE: Prancing SpiderKitty, and roaming event combined in combat. URLs, given. Additional mobile screengrabs to show player stats readout (Note a lack of listed Spring Water flavor-effects)
(One round of combat elapsed before I thought to apply the Turquoise Spring Water, which resumed the prolonging effect)
WHEN: Noticed today, May 31st, shortly prior to this petition at:
Game Time 01:37:30
Server Time 00:16:15
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