Improbable Island Message of the Day (MoTD)

New Monthly Memento, update on Outposts, lesbian smut
Admin CavemanJoe2016-01-03 04:46:51 [Permalink]
Hey, folks! The Monthly Memento for this January is the same as it was for last January, since last January's went down so well (and since I've been too busy with the new outposts system to think of something new). It's a shiny new calendar! Once a week, it gives you a new gameday. If you've already got the one from last year, you can totally get this one too and have two free gamedays per week.

The Outposts system is coming along nicely - I'm hoping to have a semi-playable beta test version of NewHome for our supporting players pretty soon (hopefully this month), so stay tuned for updates on that.

Spurred on by the enthusiastic ramblings of my good IRL friend Phoenix Baker (TOTALLY NOT A REAL NAME), I am once again doing a favour by linking to this thoroughly NSFW Kindle ebook. Why? Quote Phoenix: "It's free right now! People waited for like two years for a sequel and I finally got off my ass and wrote three." To which I replied "Three. You wrote three sequels." To which Phoenix replied "Yes, and they get progressively more ridiculous as they go on." To which I replied "And you want me to send my Islanders to it. Again." To which Phoenix replied "Yes please." To which I shrugged and said "Okay. Sure."

So, um, if you've got a Kindle, you can totally download Phoenix Baker's "Mittens: a story about two women falling in love and doing really weird things to each other" for free. Phoenix hopes that you'll like it well enough that you'll pay cold hard cash money for the sequels. Personally I thought it was pretty damn adorable for a porno book. It's also available on SmashWords, so you can read it on your phone or whatever if you're like me and despise Amazon's shitty app. (seriously, once you've tried Moon+ Reader Amazon's ebook reader app just looks like friggin' amateur hour)

(srsly I've been reading ebooks on my phone since this was my phone and this was its operating system and you had to use a little stick to poke the screen - and even back in those days the ebook reader apps were better than Amazon's. I have like a two thousand word rant about how shit Amazon's phone ereader app is but I won't paste it here 'cause that'd be one step away from get-off-my-lawn territory)

Have fun!

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