Daughter of Chance

That was when reality was blown apart, and hastily thrown back together again before anybody could notice and start writing angry letters. It is true that the bomb did, in fact, explode, and it did, indeed, kill everyone on Improbable Island. Most people didn't let that get them down. For some of us, life continued slightly altered, in what we now call Season Two. For some others, there simply was no Season One, and they wonder sometimes about our strange naming conventions. For a few, The Watcher finished with "...remarkably easy," pulled apart the bomb's casing, removed the detonating circuitry, dusted off her hands and said to the assembled crowd, "Well don't just stand there, get back to it."

For a handful, things got extremely strange for a while, and they all have their own stories about what really happened. Although whether those stories will still make sense - or whether those people even remember their stories - well, you'll have to ask them the next time you buy them a drink.

But the important thing to note is that it was all real, and it all did really happen, to everyone, all at once. If one person says that Mike from the Chop Shop wet his pants, but Mike himself says that he proposed to Sheila, and Sheila says that she was busy getting extremely drunk, then that's all right. They're all right - both as in "Alive and well" and as in "Entirely correct." You throw a huge source of energy at an overunity device designed to measure and manipulate chance, then yeah, of course reality is gonna get a little malleable.

But the point remains, no matter how you might try to argue it, that a bomb did in fact explode, and that the resulting fireball did, in fact, kill everyone.

Well... nearly everyone.

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