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Petition ID 688: Blank Room
Submitted Sat, 28 Apr 12 06:52:06 +0000

What: I created a room, edited the description and saved. However as sh- er... crappy as my router is, it disconnected me and left a hole in my room list when i reconnected it. I can't even click on it to get rid of it... or fix it.
How: Well, disconnect when you save a room i guess...
Where: (Oh lord, a mod visiting me... i better clean up)
When: Well. It just started and i love to complain. I'd like to bring this up though so you guys can think of a way to make the game say 'woops he poofed on us'.

Note: If you want, use your godly powers to delete the room, i'll keep putzing along and hopefully it wont make another blank room. If it does, i'll just drop my house making till i... dispose of my router.

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