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Petition ID 660: Creator Bundle: iitems may be weightless in Lodge bag, but some are active anyway. Re 652 and 641.
Submitted Thu, 12 Apr 12 04:59:16 +0000

Once you have opened your Creator Bundle, the items go into your Lodge bag. They are apparently supposed to stay there safely until you move them to your backpack. But not all of them do.

All of these might be intended behaviour, so that people can start building/programming without having to keep going outside to go to their inventory. But CMJ's post in seemed to imply that the iitems would stay, inactive, in your Lodge bag until you went to your inventory and clicked "Transfer".

This is what happens, so far, if you have bought and opened your Creator bundle but not moved anything from your Lodge bag to your backpack:

Problem IItems:
Land Claim Stakes: give you the "stake your claim!" link when you're on the map (when you're on a mapsquare that would allow a site to be claimed). See petition 641.

- Weightless Wood and Weightless Stone: move into a Place's inventory when you move normal wood and stone, and get built with even if you had intended to keep them back. (Can be taken back to Lodge bag, but only one by one.) See petition 652.

- Weightless Contraptions/Contrivances: these show in the "donate to Place inventory" screen, and in the "edit programs" screen. Once donated to a Place, if you take them back to your inventory, they do not go to the Lodge bag but into your Backpack - and they now have full weight.

Memory chips: when working in a Place's programming menu, in "Edit Place Memories", it gives you the navlink to place a Memory slot in the Place. (They don't show up in the "donate to place inventory" thing. So at least you can only accidentally give a Memory to your own or keyheld Places.)

Extra Program grids/rows/columns: these are also offered for use from the "Edit Programs" page and in the "Program List" page.

Non-problem IItems:
- Eboy items (OSTs, energy drinks, monster repellant sprays, ratpacks) are fine. They don't show up in the sell-to-eboy list, they don't take up backpack weight. (I haven't tried to move or use any from the Lodge bag, but I've bought, sold, and used normal ones without affecting the ones from the Bundle.)
- Builder's Brews are fine. They go to your Lodge bag and stay there. When you use one, it works.
- Box of cigs is fine. (Haven't used it, but it's in the Lodge bag.)
- Medal is fine.

How: Buy a Creator Bundle. Open it. Travel the map, and go into Places; do build jobs, look at the inventory, look at the programs and memories.

Where: while travelling (land claim stake) and in Places.

When: 4th April 2012 (ref: )

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