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Petition ID 217: Minor - When rating monsters, it still states that there will be a poll, soon to rate by difficulty.
Submitted Sun, 13 Nov 11 13:27:09 +0000

Ehem, as it says on the tin:

"Your feedback is important. Information on what monsters you think are the funniest or most interesting, as well as monsters you find boring, will help both staff and players to write better monsters in the future. When rating a monster, take into account how interesting, amusing, exciting, or utterly crap the monster was. Right now we're most interested in the quality of the writing - so please don't rate monsters according to their difficulty (we'll be asking about that soon, once we've weeded out the crap monsters). Thanks!

You are now rating the monster "THATWOULDBETHENAMEHNEREthanks." "

Between the parentheses, it states that rating monsters by difficulty will happen "Soon". If I recall correctly, it has been about a year since that message started. Will there actually ever be a poll for that?

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