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Petition ID 1903: Using "&" colour code in mouseovers breaks them - Unicode issue?
Submitted Tue, 28 Jan 14 15:42:51 +0000

Using apostrophes instead of grave accents to explain what I mean, here: the mouseover description

" 'jSmall, skittish, shy.'n'n'TBrownish 'qt'6a'jb'Tb'qy 'Tfur.'j'n'nA cat, not a Contestant.'0 "

Which should render as
Small, skittish, shy.

Brownish tabby fur.

A cat, not a Contestant.

Appears in the mouseover as (plaintext)

Small, skittish, shy.

Brownish taamp;bby fur

A cat, not a Contestant.

Something gone wrong there! It's treating the & colour code, for palest grey, as a Something Else - like the "
& amp ; " (without spaces really, but if I leave them out then the "amp;" vanishes from the preview) which appears in clan application messages.

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